1. 我读
John回到部队,两人开始了异地恋,思念折磨着彼此,唯一的交流是十天半月的书信。我不禁感慨这样的异地恋真的会有好的结果吗?尤其是看到John说他连着几个晚上都没有想到Savannah时,我就不禁想着这个问题。而且这一章是整个小说的第二部分的开始,也是John说到的他们故事的middle 部分,我很想知道在这一部分到底发生了什么让他们走向end。本章中的很多细节描写刻画了他们之间的深情。还写到他父亲的来信以及父子之间的一些变化。
2. 我答
1. Yes, he told Tony.
2. Every ten days. Mostly they were casual and chatty, and she saved the truth of her feelings until the very end.
3. He had to stay in Germany and he splurged on a phone to Savannah.
4. Yes. His father's letters were two or three times longer than the page or so he had been used to.
5. Kind of pointless. Because he thought the whole experience was just about the most ridiculous and idiotic thing.