
作者: 留子儿 | 来源:发表于2018-12-08 02:40 被阅读0次




    本篇课程选自 The Straits Times



    Louis Cha, the newsman and master storyteller whose unputdownable wuxia novels made him the most popular living Chinese author in his lifetime, has died in Hong Kong at the age of 94.

    He died in Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital on Tuesday afternoon (Oct 30), said Ming Pao Daily News. No cause of death was given. In April, The New Yorker magazine said he had "been frail since suffering a stroke in 1997". During an interview with the magazine in 2014, "he is unable to walk or write, and speaks with difficulty, relying on a retinue", The New Yorker added.

    Cha was known to millions by his pen name Jin Yong.

    Starting with The Book And The Sword in 1955 and continuing until the final instalment of The Deer And The Cauldron in 1972, Cha was a phenomenon, fusing martial arts fantasy, history, heartfelt romance and urgent prose into must-read newspaper serials.


    newsman /ˈnjuːzmæn, ˈnuːzmæn/: n. 新闻人

    master /ˈmɑːstə, ˈmæstər/: adj. 大师级的

    unputdownable /ˌʌnpʊtˈdaʊnəbəl/: adj. 令人不忍释卷的;引人入胜的

    sanatorium /ˌsænəˈtɔːriəm/: n. 疗养院

    frail /freɪl/: adj. 虚弱的

    stroke /strəʊk/: n. 中风

    retinue /ˈretɪnjuː, ˈretɪnuː/: n. 随员

    instalment /ɪnˈstɔːlmənt, ɪnˈstɒːlmənt/: n. (小说分期连载的) 一节;(分期付款的) 一期

    cauldron /ˈkɔːldrən, ˈkɒːldrən/: n. 锅;鼎

    phenomenon /fɪˈnɒmənən, fɪˈnɑːmənɑːn/: n. 现象级人物

    fuse /fjuːz/: vt. 融合

    martial arts: 武术

    fantasy /ˈfæntəsi/: n. 奇幻小说

    heartfelt /ˈhɑːtfelt, ˈhɑːrtfelt/: adj. 真诚的;直指人心的

    urgent prose: 急文

    must-read /ˌmʌstˈriːd/: adj. 必读的

    newspaper serials: 报纸连载



