社保基金 social security funds
养老保险 pension insurance
养老金缺口 shortfalls in pension provisions
庭前会议 pretrial conference
互联网创业项目 internet-related entrepreneurship program
数字人才 digital talent
- 人才流向 talent flow
信息通信技术 Information Communications Technology(ICT)
数字驱动发展 digital-driven development
战略定位 strategic positioning
happiness industries
- 财年 fiscal year
年报 annual report
利润下降 profit decline
即时通讯应用 instant-messaging app
责任督学 educational inspector
乡村振兴战略 rural revitalization strategy
和而不同 harmony in diversity
和谐相生 prosper in harmony
美美与共 respect and treasure other's culture/values
绿色包装 green packaging
亚太经合组织第25次领导人非正式会议 the 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting
监察委员会 supervisory commissions
失信黑名单 blacklist of serious dishonesty
创意城市网络 Creative Cities Network
import tariff
- 免除关税 tariff elimination
最惠国税率 most-favored-nation tariff rate
dark matter
- 万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation
巡天观测 sky survey
太空环境探测器 space environmental detector
photovoltaic expressway