1. perpetual: adj
1. never ending or changing
deep caves in perpetual darkness
a perpetual secretary of the society
2. occurring repeatedly; so frequency as to seem endless and uninterrupted
their perpetual money worries
he grows perpetual flowering carnations.(carnation:康乃馨)
3. derivatives: perpetrate(verb); perpetration(noun)
2. assert: verb
1. to state with assurance, confidence, or force;
2. to maintain or defend(claims,right, etc...)
3. to state as having existence;
4. assert oneself: to insist one's rights;
eg. The candidate finally asserted himself about property taxes(财产税).
3. reinforce:verb
1. to strengthen with some added piece, support, or material;
eg. to reinforce a wall.
2. to strengthen (a military force) with additional personnel, ships, or aircraft;
eg. to reinforce a garrison(驻军).
3. to strengthen; make more forcible or effective;
eg. to reinforce efforts.
4. to augment; increase;
eg. to reinforce a supply.
4. peer: noun/verb
1. a person of the same legal status;同龄人
2. a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.
3. something of equal worth or quality;
4. a nobleman;
to come into view
5. speculative: adj
1. theoretical, rather than practical;
eg. speculative conclusions.
2. given to speculation, as persons, the mind, etc.
3. engaging in or given to such speculation.
4. speculate:verb
6. particle:noun
1. a minute portion, piece, fragment, or amount;微粒
eg. If we were to put a force on the particle, then it would react against the force.
2. [physics] an elementary particle
3. a clause or article, as of a document
7. deflection: noun
1. amount of deviation.偏移
2. the deviation of the indicator of an instrument from the position taken as zero.偏差
8. bounce back
eg. He's had a lot of problems, but he always seems to bounce back pretty quickly.
9. compel: verb
1. to force or drive, especially to a course of action;迫使
eg. His disregard of the rules compels us to dismiss him.
2. to secure or bring about by force.
3. to force to submit; subdue.强制
4. synonyms: impel
10. crash down
eg. The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.
11. immortal: adj
1. not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying:长生不死
2. remembered or celebrated through all time
eg. the immortal words of Lincoln.
3. perpetual; lasting; constant
eg. an immortal enemy.
12. monopoly: noun
1. the exclusive possession or control of something.独占
2. the market condition that exists when there is only one seller.垄断
eg. The company will become a state-owned monopoly.
13. corpse
1. a dead body, usually of a human being.尸体,死人
2. something no longer useful or viable
eg. Police are also trying to ascertain the identity of the headless corpse.
14. exquisite:adj
1. extremely beautiful or carefully made;精美的
eg. This next letter is translated from her exquisite French.
2. strongly felt;剧烈的
3. delicate and sensitive;敏锐的
15. combustion:noun
1. he act or process of burning.燃烧
eg. Soot (煤烟)is usually the product of the imperfect combustion of fuel.
2. [chemistry] rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and, usually, light.氧化
16. leap-frogging
an advance from one place, position, or situation to another without progressing through all or any of the places or stages in between:跳跃式发展
17. collide:verb
to strike one another or one against the other with a forceful impact; come into violent contact; crash:碰撞
eg. The two cars collided with an ear-splitting crash.
18. inheritance: noun
1. verb:inherit
2. something that is or may be inherited; property passing at the owner's death to the heir or those entitled to succeed; legacy.继承财产
3. portion; birthright; heritage;
eg. Absolute rule was considered the inheritance of kings.
19. daunt: verb
1. to overcome with fear; intimidate威吓
eg. to daunt one's adversaries(敌人).
2. to lessen the courage of; dishearten使气馁
3. nothing daunted: 无所畏惧
4. synonyms: subdue;dismay
20. relentless:adj
1. not stopping or getting less strong: 不停的
2. refusing to give up or be less strict or severe;不放弃的,无情的
eg. Why not organize a relentless campaign against crime?
3. antonyms: relent