This Is How Important Sleep Is f

This Is How Important Sleep Is f

作者: 王王韦王奇 | 来源:发表于2019-10-05 04:43 被阅读0次

    If you have ever stopped of a long-haul flight or worked night shifts(换班制), you probably noticed changes in your mood(情绪), concentration, and general well-being(幸福). These changes are the result of disturbances to your natural sleep-wake cycle(醒睡周期), your "circadian rhythm(生理节律)." And disruptions to this cycle can have worse consequences than just feeling a bit moody or distracted(心烦意乱). Our latest research shows that it is associated with an increased risk of depression and bipolar disorder(躁郁症).

    Circadian rhythms are variations(变化) in biological or behavioral processes that recur(复发) on a roughly 24-hour cycle. These rhythms occur(发生) in body temperature, hormone release, and rest-activity patterns, and are thought to be fundamental to our physical and mental health.

    Previous studies have investigated(研究) the relationship between disruptions(破坏) to circadian rhythms and mental health, but they have been limited by using only subjective(个人的)(self report) measures of sleep and activity, and have typically(代表性地) used very small samples. Also, many of these earlier studies didn't properly(正确地) account (解释)for other lifestyle factors that might explain poor mental health, such as childhood trauma(创伤).

    We addressed(解决) these issues in our study, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, by using a large sample(over 91,000 participants, drawn from UK Biobank) and by objectively(客观地) measuring participants' activity with wrist-worn(可戴的) activity monitors. We also took a wide range of factors into account that might otherwise explain the state of participants' mental health or cognitive(认知的) function(功能).

    Overall, our findings provide strong support for the idea that a disturbed circadian rhythm is associated with poor mental health and well-being. They also suggest that daily activity levels, which can be cheaply and easily measured during a digital activity tracker, could be used to assess(评估) people's risk of developing depression or bipolar disorder.

    Growing, Global Problem

    These findings could have important public health implications(暗示), as increasing reliance(信赖) on artificial light, particularly at night, is associated with disturbed circadian rhythms. This is because people exposed to high amounts of artificial light at night are less able to synchronize(使……同步) their rhythms to natural daylight cycles.

    It is estimated(估计) that almost two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities by the year 2030. This means that most people will be subject to(受支配) conditions(情况) that can worsen(恶化) circadian(生理节奏的) disruption and, by extension, vulnerability(易损性,弱点) to poor mental and physical health.

    What our new study can't tell us is the direction of causality. We don't know whether circadian disruption leads to poorer mental health and well-being, whether mood disorders lead to circadian disruption, or whether both are linked to other shared genetic(遗传的) or environmental factors.

    We hope that future, long-term studies, following up on the same people in the UK Biobank, will be able to address the issue of cause and effect in more detail. It will be important to examine, for example, whether objectively measured circadian disruption can predict new diagnoses(诊断) or new episodes(发作) of mood disorders. It would also be useful to know whether stabilizing(使稳定) circadian rhythms in mood disorder patients leads to improved symptoms(症状) and well-being.

    We have known for a long time that sleep and circadian function are important for physical health, but we are now beginning to recognize their importance for mental health. Part of the work of our research group is to better understand the mechanisms(机制) linking circadian disruption and mental ill-health and use this new knowledge to develop new treatments for conditions such as major depression and bipolar disorder.



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