It is really painful if you try to install Scrapy on Windows, not mention the RC version for Python3.
Here is what I found to install it finally.
- I highlight recommend you install Conda first. It is a package manager and also can create virtual enviroment. (In shot, Conda == advanced pip|easy_install + virtualenv)
Download MiniConda from here:
Select 64-bit (exe installer) or 32-bit (exe installer). Download and install it.
- Create a virtual environment(I use Py3Scrapy as the environment name):
conda create --name Py3Scrapy python=3
By default the enviroment will be created under C:\Miniconda3\envs
Activate the Py3Scrapy environment.
activate Py3Scrapy -
Install the lxml package
conda install lxml -
Install Scrapy 1.1.0rc3
pip install Scrapy==1.1.0rc3
Now Scrapy 1.1.0rc3 is successfully installed. If you want to create a Scrapy project, run(ScrapyTest is my project name):
scrapy startproejct ScrapyTest
Then, load the project folder in PyCharm and open File-->Settings-->Project:<Your project name> -->Project Interpreter-->choose python.exe by using "Add local" in the virtual environment folder you just created.
Note: If you receive error like:
cannot import name '_win32stdio'
run the following to resolve it:
pip install twisted-win
This approach should work on Mac and Linux as well if you modify some steps.
Please let me know there is something wrong or missing. Thanks.