<command> [<subcommand> [<subcommand>...]] <action> [-options [option-value]] [argument [argument...]]
- <command>(命令)和<subcommand>(子命令):LLDB调试命令的名称,命令和子命令按层级结构来排列:一个命令对象为跟随其的子命令对象创建一个上下文,子命令又为其子命令创建一个上下文,依此类推。
- <action>:在上下文中执行命令的操作
- <options>:命令选项,动作的修改者
- <arguement>:命令的参数, 根据使用的命令的上下文来表示各种不同的东西
- []:表示命令是可选的,可以有也可以没有
注意: LLBD命令行的解析操作在执行命令之前完成。上面的这些元素之间通过空格来分割,如果某一元素自身含有空格,则可以使用双引用。而如果元素中又包含双引号,则可以使用反斜杠;或者元素使用单引号。在LLDB中单引号和双引号是等价的,例如:
(lldb) command [subcommand] -option "some \"quoted\" string"
can also be written:
(lldb) command [subcommand] -option 'some "quoted" string'
breakpoint set -n testPerson
- command: breakpoint 表示断点命令
- action: set 表示设置断点
- option: -n表示根据方法name设置断点
- arguement: testPerson 表示方法名为testPerson
子命令是组织相关操作的分隔标识。一个命令的最终子命令将是一个动词表面将要执行的动作。例如:管理断点的命令由breakpoint开始,然后执行相应命令,breakpoint list和breakpoint disable,表示列举所有断点和使断点失效,最后一个词义标识很清楚。
一个命令可能要求一个或者多个参数,参数是动作执行的分隔标识。例如:breakpoint disable是要求给与一个参数指明具体失效的断点,向: breakpoint disable 1,使断点ID为1的断点失效。
一个命令当中可能包含一个或者多个命令选项,命令选项使用双虚线(--)开始用于不同的组合来修改执行的动作。有一些命令也使用了单虚线 (-)开始进行操作.例如:当我们需要设置一个断点,在第一次触发的时候删除,可以使用命令为breakpoint set --one-shot 或者 breakpoint set -o.-o是--one-shot的缩写,所有前后功能是一样的。我们可以在触发断点之后,在console中输入 help br set,我们将可以看到命令功能: -o ( --one-shot ) The breakpoint is deleted the first time it causes a stop.
命令的格式(Command Forms)
Canonical form(标准样式) expression --object-description -- someVariable
Abbreviated form(缩写样式) e -O -- someVariable
Alias(别名样式) po someVariable
上面e就是expression的缩写,-O就是--object-description的缩写,别名就是使用另外名称替代原有功能,这个在console中可以通过help command alias得到对应的帮助信息。在开发中我们经常使用缩写和别名进行操作,方便,快捷。
(lldb) help
Debugger commands:
apropos -- Find a list of debugger commands related to a particular
breakpoint -- A set of commands for operating on breakpoints. Also see
bugreport -- Set of commands for creating domain specific bugreports.
command -- A set of commands for managing or customizing the
debugger commands.
For more information on any command, type 'help <command-name>'.
2:对于如何使用对应的子命令,都会有相应的提示,根据提示操作即可,例如:我们想了解与断点相关的信息,就可以help breakpoint,我们将可以看到所有与断点相关的信息。
(lldb) help breakpoint
The following subcommands are supported:
clear -- Clears a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.
command -- A set of commands for adding, removing and examining bits of
code to be executed when the breakpoint is hit (breakpoint
delete -- Delete the specified breakpoint(s). If no breakpoints are
specified, delete them all.
disable -- Disable the specified breakpoint(s) without removing them. If
none are specified, disable all breakpoints.
enable -- Enable the specified disabled breakpoint(s). If no breakpoints
are specified, enable all of them.
list -- List some or all breakpoints at configurable levels of detail.
modify -- Modify the options on a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in
the executable. If no breakpoint is specified, acts on the
last created breakpoint. With the exception of -e, -d and -i,
passing an empty argument clears the modification.
name -- A set of commands to manage name tags for breakpoints
set -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.
For more help on any particular subcommand, type 'help <command> <subcommand>'.
3: 同理如果想知道操作断点的具体命令,例如:如何显示当前所有断点,由上可知list是我们需要的指令:
(lldb) help br list
List some or all breakpoints at configurable levels of detail.
Syntax: breakpoint list <cmd-options> [<breakpt-id>]
Command Options Usage:
breakpoint list [-Dbi] [<breakpt-id>]
breakpoint list [-Dfi] [<breakpt-id>]
breakpoint list [-Div] [<breakpt-id>]
This command takes options and free-form arguments. If your arguments
resemble option specifiers (i.e., they start with a - or --), you must use
' -- ' between the end of the command options and the beginning of the arguments.
(lldb) br list
Current breakpoints:
1: file = '/Users/longshihua/Desktop/LLDB调试技巧学习/LLDB调试技巧学习/ViewController.swift', line = 29, exact_match = 0, locations = 1, resolved = 1, hit count = 1
1.1: where = LLDB调试技巧学习`LLDB调试技巧学习.ViewController.testPerson () -> () + 207 at ViewController.swift:30, address = 0x000000010e0b916f, resolved, hit count = 1
4:尽可能多的使用缩写和别名,方便操作,输入(lldb) help,我们在底部可以看到如下信息:
Current command abbreviations (type 'help command alias' for more info):
add-dsym -- ('target symbols add') Add a debug symbol file to one of the
target's current modules by specifying a path to a debug symbols
file, or using the options to specify a module to download
symbols for.
attach -- ('_regexp-attach') Attach to a process id if in decimal,
otherwise treat the argument as a process name to attach to.
b -- ('_regexp-break') Set a breakpoint using a regular expression
to specify the location, where <linenum> is in decimal and
<address> is in hex.
bt -- ('_regexp-bt') Show a backtrace. An optional argument is
accepted; if that argument is a number, it specifies the number
of frames to display. If that argument is 'all', full
backtraces of all threads are displayed.
For more information on any command, type 'help <command-name>'