

作者: Tony带不带水 | 来源:发表于2018-01-15 14:58 被阅读380次
昨天有没有失眠 困不困



What happens when you assign the value of one variable to another variable in Python?


>>> spam = 42
>>> cheese = spam
>>> spam = 100
>>> spam
>>> cheese


  • Python所有对象都在heap上,因此每个对象都是指针。
  • Pytohn的数字也是对象,你定义的整形1实际上是对对象1的引用。而且Python使用引用计数,所以当一个对象放在一个新的容器,它的引用计数必须递增,所以pytohn不仅仅是复制引用。
>>> spam = 42     # spam 指向对象42
>>> cheese = spam # spam 将值(对象42的地址)赋值给 cheese 
                  # cheese 指向spam所指向的对象(也就是42)
>>> spam = 100    # spam 指向对象100
>>> spam          # spam 指向对象100
>>> cheese        # cheese 指向对象100


Understanding *x ,= list

如何理解语句 *x ,= list

  其实就是语法糖,觉得跟x = p[:]差不多。看代码:

>>> p = [1, 2, 3]
>>> *x, = p
>>> x == p
>>> x is p
>>>y, *x = p
[2, 3]
>>> x = p # 直接赋值 浅拷贝
>>> x == p
>>> x is p

关于图的算法题 难度低于acm


Say you have two lists A = [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] and B = [b_1, b_2, ..., b_n] of integers. We say A is potentially-divisible by B if there is a permutation of B that makes a_i divisible by b_i for all i. The problem is then: is it possible to reorder (i.e. permute) B so that a_i is divisible by b_i for all i? For example, if you have

A = [6, 12, 8]
B = [3, 4, 6]

Then the answer would be True, as B can be reordered to be B = [3, 6, 4] and then we would have that a_1 / b_1 = 2, a_2 / b_2 = 2, and a_3 / b_3 = 2, all of which are integers, so A is potentially-divisible by B.

As an example which should output False, we could have:

A = [10, 12, 6, 5, 21, 25]
B = [2, 7, 5, 3, 12, 3]

The reason this is False is that we can't reorder B as 25 and 5 are in A, but the only divisor in B would be 5, so one would be left out.


Obviously the straightforward approach would be to get all the permutations of B and see if one would satisfy potential-divisibility, something along the lines of:

import itertools
def is_potentially_divisible(A, B):
   perms = itertools.permutations(B)
   divisible = lambda ls: all( x % y == 0 for x, y in zip(A, ls))
   return any(divisible(perm) for perm in perms)


What is the fastest way to know if a list is potentially-divisible by another list? Any thoughts? I was thinking if there's is a clever way to do this with primes, but I couldn't come up with a solution.


import networkx as nx

def is_potentially_divisible(multiples, divisors):
    if len(multiples) != len(divisors):
        return False

    g = nx.Graph()
    g.add_nodes_from([('A', a, i) for i, a in enumerate(multiples)], bipartite=0)
    g.add_nodes_from([('B', b, j) for j, b in enumerate(divisors)], bipartite=1)

    edges = [(('A', a, i), ('B', b, j)) for i, a in enumerate(multiples)
             for j, b in enumerate(divisors) if a % b == 0]
    m = nx.bipartite.maximum_matching(g)
    return len(m) // 2 == len(multiples)

print(is_potentially_divisible([6, 12, 8], [3, 4, 6]))
# True
print(is_potentially_divisible([6, 12, 8], [3, 4, 3]))
# True
print(is_potentially_divisible([10, 12, 6, 5, 21, 25], [2, 7, 5, 3, 12, 3]))
# False



  • 增加Python代码逻辑层数的上限个数
    • python是有逻辑层数上限20没错了,但是谁会超过20啊...
  • 把一个变量赋值给自己,是什么作用?
    • 其实就是局部变量给同名全局变量,提问的人没给上下文,大家的回答一顿瞎猜,直到提问的人贴了代码
  • ...




