【雅思小伦哥-外刊精读】国际学生的深度思考: 工作,金钱,身份

【雅思小伦哥-外刊精读】国际学生的深度思考: 工作,金钱,身份

作者: 雅思小伦哥在这里 | 来源:发表于2019-07-11 09:41 被阅读0次

Lawmakers in Ohio are scrutinising one community college in the state over its enrollment data. Their reason? The majority of the roughly 20,000 students at Eastern Gateway Community College are from out of state, according to Inside Higher Ed. The college is subsidised by the state, and lawmakers are concerned that its online “free college” programme Eastern Gateway, created for a large trade union of public employees, is benefiting out-of-state students instead of in-state ones. While the state helps fund public universities to educate the former, it’s limited to students who move and likely stay to work in the state post-graduation.

美国俄亥俄州的立法者对当地一所社区大学的入学数据进行仔细分析。为什么?《深入了解高等教育》表明,Eastern Gateway社区学院约有20,000名学生,其多数都不是当地学生。该学院由俄亥俄州出资补贴,立法者因而担忧Eastern Gateway在线“免费学院”项目,原是为一个大型工会的职工开设,现无法让当地学生获益。虽然该州也资助公立大学为非本地学生提供教育,但也限于那些毕业后仍可能会留下工作的学生。

Matt Dolan, a Republican State Senator said in a hearing last month: “What will happen over time, very shortly, is your enrollment of kids who never step foot in Ohio will greatly cripple the rest of the community colleges’ access to SSI (State Share of Instruction) dollars.” The scrutiny gives us a rarer look at the impact of out-of-state and non-resident students. Most reports of international students – who are considered as out-of-state – tend to highlight the positive impact they have on their university and surrounding community.


“Universities are now far more demand-led,” Matthias explains. “They’re trying to find and communicate their value proposition -- how they’re relevant to students’ lives, but realising at the same time that they can’t be all things to everyone.” Institutions are at different stages of this transition, he adds, and the most advanced are adapting large parts of their business models to become more student-centric.


They add diversity, enrich the experience of other students on campus and most importantly for the institutions, pay double or even triple in fees compared to local students. As public and private coffers continue to tighten, the higher fees they pay compensate for declining subsidies and smaller budgets. According to US News, the top three national universities with the highest percentages of international students in the 2017-2018 academic year were the Florida Institute of Technology in Florida, The New School and the University of Rochester, both of which are in New York. International students made up 32 percent, 32 percent and 24 percent of the student cohort respectively.


Among liberal arts colleges, California’s Soka University America has the highest enrollment of international students, at 43 percent of its enrollment. This is followed by Massachusetts Mount Holyoke College with 27 percent and New Mexico’s St John’s College with 26 percent. But too many international students could become a problem. Eastern Gateway’s case shows how these benefits are significantly reduced when international students, who come from other states like New York or California, do not step foot in the college. Eastern Gateway’s president, Jimmie Bruce has defended his institution’s expansive enrollment of out-of-state students – there were 14,000 out-of-state students in online programmes last spring while in-state enrollment was 5,500.

文理学院中,加利福尼亚的美国创价大学国际学生比例最高,为43%;其后是马塞诸塞州的曼荷莲学院及新墨西哥的圣约翰学院,分别为27%和26%。国际学生过多,可能会带来问题。然而,Eastern Gateway社区学院的例子则表明若来自如纽约或加利福尼亚的国际学生不再入学将大大减少这些益处,其校长吉米·布鲁斯支持学院扩大招收非本地学生——去年春天,在线教育项目有14,000名非本地学生,而本地学生只有5,500名。

In an Ohio Senate committee hearing earlier this month, he said the college received about US$1 million – or roughly 10 percent of what it received from the fund – for the online programme’s out-of-state enrollment. What these students pay in tuition and fees – around US$23 million in the last three fiscal years – more than makes up for the state subsidy, Bruce explained. “It is an instructional subsidy and we have used every dollar to hire Ohio faculty and support staff to educate EGCC students,” he said in the written statement. “I am very proud that our college has created 1,000 faculty, support staff and adjunct faculty positions related to this initiative.”

本月,他在一次俄亥俄州参议院委员会听证会上称,学院收到约1百万美元,或约其收到资金的10%,用以非本地学生的线上教育项目。布鲁斯解释道,在过去三个财年中,这些学生所付学杂费约2,300万美元,超过本州补贴。“这也是教学补助,我们都用于雇佣俄亥俄州教职工,为Eastern Gateway的学生提供教育”,他在一份书面声明中称,“我们学院创造了1,000个相关的教职工岗位,对此我感到非常自豪。”

美国的university和liberal arts college

university是综合性大学,而liberal arts college(英文简称LAC)是文理学院,又称博雅学院。总的来说,前者以培养研究人才为目的,通常提供本硕博学位课程,设有相应的研究院系和机构,总体拥有较多的教育资源;而大多数文理学院只提供本科教育,拥有优质教育资源,更强调通识和素质教育,更重视传统学科。











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      本文标题:【雅思小伦哥-外刊精读】国际学生的深度思考: 工作,金钱,身份
