Likewise there were different kinds of chia because these teachers were specialists in varying branches of learning and of the arts. Thus there were some who were specialists in the teaching of the classics and the practicing of ceremonies and music. These were known as the ju or literati. There were also specialists in the art of war. These were the hsieh or knights. There were specialists in the art of speaking, who were known as the pien-che or debaters. There were specialists in magic, divination, astrology, and numerology, who were known as the fang-shih, or practitioners of occult arts. There were also the practical politicians who could act as private advisers to the feudal rulers, and who were known as fa-shu chih shih or "men of methods". And finally, there were some men who possessed learning and talent, but who were so embittered by the political disorders of their time that they retired from human society into the world of nature. These were known as the yin-che or hermits or recluses.既然这些教师各有自己的专长,又是各人发挥自己的思想见解,于是有些教师以讲授经书、礼乐见长,他们被称为“儒”或“士”;还有些教师精通兵法或武艺,他们被称为“侠”;还有些教师擅长辩论,被称为“辩者”;另有些人以巫医、星相、占卜、术数见长,他们的知识被称为“方术”,这些人被称为“方士”;还有一些人凭对政治的实际知识,献纵横捭阖之策,成为诸侯王公的顾问或官员,被称为“法术之士”;最后,还有些人,具有学识才干,而对当时的现实政治失望,遁入山林,被称为“隐者”。According to my theory, it is from these six different kinds of people that the six schools of thought as listed by Ssu-ma T'an originated. Paraphrasing Liu Hsin, therefore, I would say:按照我的理论,从这六种人里面,形成了司马谈所称的六家。套用刘歆的说法,我们可以说:Members of the Ju school had their origin in the literati.儒家者流,盖出于文士;Members of the Mohist school had their origin in the knights.墨家者流,盖出于游侠之士;Members of the Taoist school had their origin in the hermits.道家者流,盖出于隐者;Members of the School of Names had their origin in the debaters.名家者流,盖出于辩者;Members of the Yin-Yang school had their origin in the practitioners of occult arts.阴阳家者流,盖出于方士;Members of the Legalist school had their origin in the "men of methods."法家者流,盖出于法术之士。The explanations of these statements will be found in the chapters that follow.以下各章将对上述见解逐一进行解释。