From humanoid robots being launched into space to medical mechanisms with “dexterous 3D-printed fingers”, the world of robotics is ripe with opportunity. It’s a prosperous technology, with insight from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR)revealing that “More than 3 million industrial robots will be in use in factories around the world by 2020.” Examining the results of its global survey of 7,000 employees in seven countries, IFR also adds that “Nearly 70 per cent of employees believe that robotics and automation offer the opportunity to qualify for higher-skilled work.” Without a doubt, the progress of robotics vs the progress of graduates is questionable. While futurists and philosophers believe robots are coming for people’s jobs, some believe that they will harmoniously live alongside workers in peace, enhancing roles rather than ruining them. Amid such concern, should university campuses be welcoming in robotic services or trying to shun them out?
Introducing the diligent delivery bot
Imagine a campus where you don’t have to wait in line to buy your much-needed caffeine fix or study snack; a campus that supports a delivery bot service that autonomously delivers food and drinks to hungry students. Does that sound ideal? Because for university campuses that have enrolled the services of Starship Technologies, this is a reality. Representing a fleet of self-driving delivery robots, Starship Technologies’ robots move at pedestrian speed and weigh no more than 100 pounds. Inherently safe, navigating around objects and people, these diligent delivery bots easily settle into campus landscapes. For Lex Bayer, CEO of Starship Technologies, the strategic use of delivery bots at university makes perfect sense. “An entire generation of university students are growing up in a world where they expect to receive a delivery from a robot after a few taps on their smartphone. The reception to our service both on campuses and in neighbourhoods has been phenomenal. Our customers appreciate how we make their lives easier and give them back the gift of time,” explains Bayer. With plans to expand to 100 university campuses over the next two years, the delivery bot trend keeps rolling.
想象在学校里你不用排队就能买到心心念念的咖啡解瘾或吃到解饿小食,校园里的快递机器人会自动把吃的喝的送到饿着肚子的学生手里。想想就美滋滋吧?大学若参加了Starship Technologies公司提供的服务项目,这将不再是梦。公司的快递机器人相当于一种自动驾驶运载工具,以行人速度慢速移动,总重不超过100磅。也正因此,这些勤劳的快递机器人安全性高,一路导航穿梭,非常适于在校园中使用。公司首席执行官莱克斯·拜尔认为让快递机器人走进校园十分明智。拜尔解释到,“整整一代的大学生从小就习以为常,他们想在手机上点一点就能收到机器人送来的快递。各大校园和街区对我们服务的评价都很高。我们的顾客生活更便捷了,还省下了时间,对此很满意。”公司计划在未来两年中,让快递机器人走进100家大学校园,其热度持续走高。
Should your campus bring on the bots?
Have you ever felt too tired to walk to the shops or rustle up a hearty morning meal? Or have you ever been late for lecture but knew you needed breakfast to maintain focus throughout the slides? Bringing breakfast to your doorstep, a Starship bot can fulfill your nutritional needs by directing a delivery order to your campus location before your lecture begins. “The initial launch has proven incredibly successful, with students taking advantage of the ease and convenience of the system. In the first days after a fleet of 25 delivery robots descended on GMU’s campus in January, school officials could only speculate about the machines’ long-term impact. “After just a couple of months, the data showed a dramatic shift in students’ eating habits. In the first two months alone, an extra 1,500 breakfast orders were delivered autonomously,” U2 Bexplains.
不想走去店里?不想吃自己随便做的大份早餐了?或许你上课迟到了来不及吃早餐,但不吃又没精力上课?Starship公司的机器人服务在你上课前就会派单到你的校区,把早餐送到你手,满足你的营养所需。“首次运营就非常成功,学生们很喜欢轻松便捷的服务。最初,一月时有25个快递机器人投入乔治梅森大学,校方仅能预测机器可能带来的长期影响”, U2B解释道,“仅仅几个月,数据就显示学生的饮食习惯显著改变。前两个月里就新增早餐订单1,500单,全部自动配送。”
小家伙的行进速度是 6.4公里/每小时,这比我们走路略微快一些。
这家名为Starship Technologie的公司开发出这款机器人是为解决最后一公里的物流配送。
目前,Starship 与外卖服务公司JustEat、Pronto,包裹速递公司Hermes,零售商Metro Group 合作,准备从下周开始在伦敦以及其他三个欧洲城市对他们的送货机器人展开实地测试。
Starship Technologies公司开发的快递机器人相当于一种小型自动驾驶运载工具,重量轻、体积小,配备导航系统,移动速度缓慢,十分安全。不过,它蓄电量有限,单次也无法携带过多物品,因此比较适合短距离运输任务,如在大学校园或邻近的街区之间投入使用。同时,这款机器人还装有录像装置,以防行驶途中货品丢失等意外情况。快递机器人走入大学校园后,收获诸多好评,不仅为学生们提供了便捷的送餐服务,还在一定程度上让他们饮食更加规律。不过,随着越来越多的快递机器人投入使用,也有人提出它们会占据人行道、打扰校园安静的环境等缺点,引发是否应让此类机器人走进校园的多番讨论。