Swizzle in Objcet-C

Swizzle in Objcet-C

作者: 起个名字真难啊2015 | 来源:发表于2017-01-12 00:07 被阅读58次

翻译自:the right way to swizzle in Object-C


//a typedef of struct objc_method defined as:
struct objc_method
    SEL method_name         OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    char *method_types      OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    IMP method_imp          OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;


Method class_getClassMethod(Class aClass, SEL aSelector);
Method class_getInstanceMethod(Class aClass, SEL aSelector);

我们可以通过IMPmethod_setImplementation(Method method, IMP imp)方法改变Method中的imp;这里我们稍后再说,我们先来看看另外一个方法

void method_exchangeImplementations(Method m1, Method m2)

为了能更好的理解这个方法,我们先来看看Method m1Method m2

Method m1 { //this is the original method. we want to switch this one with
//our replacement method
    SEL method_name = @selector(originalMethodName)
    char *method_types = “v@:“ //returns void, params id(self),selector(_cmd)
    IMP method_imp = 0x000FFFF (MyBundle`[MyClass originalMethodName])
Method m2 { //this is the swizzle method. We want this method executed when [MyClass
//originalMethodName] is called
    SEL method_name = @selector(swizzle_originalMethodName)
    char *method_types = “v@:”
    IMP method_imp = 0x1234AABA (MyBundle`[MyClass swizzle_originalMethodName])


method_exchangeImplementations(m1, m2)


Method m1 { //this is the original Method struct. we want to switch this one with
//our replacement method
      SEL method_name = @selector(originalMethodName)
      char *method_types = “v@:“ //returns void, params id(self),selector(_cmd)
      IMP method_imp = 0x1234AABA (MyBundle`[MyClass swizzle_originalMethodName])
Method m2 { //this is the swizzle Method struct. We want this method executed when [MyClass
//originalMethodName] is called
      SEL method_name = @selector(swizzle_originalMethodName)
      char *method_types = “v@:”
      IMP method_imp = 0x000FFFF (MyBundle`[MyClass originalMethodName])

如果我们想执行原始代码我们需要调用[self swizzle_originalMethodName],对于_cmd的值将是@selector(swizzle_originalMethodName);再如果原始代码中有使用过_cmd,而在没有替换方法前,_cmd的值是@selector(originalMethodName);这样的结果可能会导致未可知的错误;

- (void) originalMethodName //m1
    assert([NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) isEqualToString:@“originalMethodNamed”]);
 //this fails after swizzling //using


void __Swizzle_OriginalMethodName(id self, SEL _cmd)

IMP swizzleImp = (IMP)__Swizzle_OriginalMethodName;

method_setImplementation(method, swizzleImp);

IMP originalImp = method_setImplementation(method,swizzleImp);


@interface SwizzleExampleClass : NSObject
- (void) swizzleExample;
- (int) originalMethod;

static IMP __original_Method_Imp;
int _replacement_Method(id self, SEL _cmd)
    assert([NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) isEqualToString:@"originalMethod"]);
    int returnValue = ((int(*)(id,SEL))__original_Method_Imp)(self, _cmd);
    return returnValue + 1;
@implementation SwizzleExampleClass
- (void) swizzleExample //call me to swizzle
    Method m = class_getInstanceMethod([self class], @selector(originalMethod));
    __original_Method_Imp = method_setImplementation(m, (IMP)_replacement_Method);
- (int) originalMethod
    assert([NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) isEqualToString:@"originalMethod"]);
    return 1;


SwizzleExampleClass* example = [[SwizzleExampleClass alloc] init];
int originalReturn = [example originalMethod];
[example swizzleExample];
int swizzledReturn = [example originalMethod];
assert(originalReturn == 1); //true
assert(swizzledReturn == 2); //true

小结:我们可以通过一个C函数和method_setImplementation()来实现我们的swizzle(当然我们也可以通过method_exchangeImplementations()来实现,只是需要注意以上提到的_cmd引发的问题);需要注意的是我们的C函数需要带有两个参数(id selfSEL _cmd;这是由于OC的方法都会传递2个这两个隐藏的参数),另外需要将C函数转换为IMP;最后一点不知道是什么意思;

//you may have to case the IMP call if it returns a void. 
//This is because ARC assumes all IMPs return an id and 
//will try to retain void and primitive types.

IMP anImp; //represents objective-c function
// -UIViewController viewDidLoad;
((void(*)(id,SEL))anImp)(self,_cmd); //call with a cast to prevent
// ARC from retaining void.



      本文标题:Swizzle in Objcet-C
