

作者: Claire_ZZ | 来源:发表于2020-05-21 20:56 被阅读0次

According to England's National Health Service the signs that someone has contracted the novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2 are a high temperature or a new, continuous cough. 

\bullet the novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒

This is certainly true for a majority of patients, but it is not so for a sizeable minority. Papers published in recent weeks present the new virus as having many faces. 

This is in stark contrast to the way in which influenza, another primarily respiratory disease, behaves- and it makes SARS-COV-2 all the more dangerous. It also raises the question of why this virus's symptoms are so protean. 

\bullet stark adj.僵硬的,光秃秃的,荒凉的;完全的,全然的

\bullet respiratory disease 呼吸系统疾病

respiratory adj.呼吸的,呼吸用的  

respiratory failure/disorder/arrest 呼吸衰竭/障碍/停止

For decades, influenza has been referred to as "an unvarying disease caused by a varying virus" because of its tendency to mutate every year and yet still cause the same symptoms of rapid-onset fever, malaise, headaches and coughing. 

\bullet unvarying adj.不变的,经常的,恒久的 <—> varying

\bullet mutate v.变化,改变;突变

\bullet onset n.开始,着手;攻击

\bullet ma'laise n.不舒服;心神不安

Indeed, a review of influenza papers published in 2018 by John Paget of the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research(荷兰卫生服务研究所), showed that even when all of the different influenza types (A or B) and subtypes (H1N1, H3N2, etc) were analysed, there were few differences in the ways they presented clinically

\bullet subtype n.子类型;图表类型

\bullet they presented clinically (它们的)临床表现

Literature on SARS-COV-2 suggests, by contrast, that this virus is a master of disguise. For example, Anthony DeBenedet, a doctor at St Joseph Mercy Health System in Michigan, reports in the American Journal of Gastroenterology that in early March, following a trip down the Nile, a 71-year-old woman arrived at his emergency department with bloody diarrhoea. 

\bullet emergency department 急诊室

\bullet dia'rrhoea adj.腹泻的 n.腹泻,痢疾

She suffered with this condition for five days, while also experiencing abdominal pains and nausea. But her temperature was normal and her breathing good, so COVID-19 was not suspected. 

\bullet abdominal pain 腹痛

abdominal adj.腹部的  abdominal muscle 腹肌

\bullet nausea n.恶心,晕船

Yet when he and his colleagues examined samples of her stools for signs(译为:粪便样本) of the sorts of bacterial infections that are likely to be picked up in Egypt, they found none. They also saw no beneficial effects from the antibiotics they were administering.

\bullet stool n.凳子;托架 v.长新芽;引诱

stool chair 马桶座

\bullet antibi'otic adj.抗生的;抗菌的 n.抗生素

They therefore started to wonder whether something else might be going on. It was only on the fourth day of the woman's stay at the hospital, her ninth day of illness, when she developed a cough, that they tested her for SARS-COV-2 and confirmed the virus's presence in both her nasal tissues and her stools. Dr DeBenedet's findings are far from unique.

\bullet nasal tissues 鼻腔组织

\bullet be far from unique 并非特例



