飘飘的ScalersTalk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 8

飘飘的ScalersTalk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 8

作者: Elaine和悦 | 来源:发表于2020-01-05 21:12 被阅读0次


    As the man tried to swing the speed-boat round, the steering-wheel came away in his hands. He waved desperately to his companion,who had been water-skiing for the last fifteen minutes. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea. The speed-boat had struck a buoy, but it continued to move very quickly across the water. Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore. when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle. It now came straight towards them at tremendous speed. In less than a minute, it roared past them only a few feet away. After it had passed, they swam on as quickly as they could because they knew that the boat would soon return. They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. On this occasion, however, it had slowed down considerably. The petrol had nearly all been used up. Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water.

    [æz] [ðə] [mæn] [traɪd] [tuː] [swɪŋ] [ðə] [ˈspiːdbəʊt][raʊnd], [ðə] [ˈstɪərɪŋwiːl] [keɪm] [əˈweɪ] [ɪn] [hɪz] [hændz]. [hiː] [weɪvd][ˈdɛspərɪtli] [tuː] [hɪz] [kəmˈpænjən], [huː] [hæd] [biːn] [ˈwɔːtə]-[ˈskiːɪŋ][fɔː] [ðə] [lɑːst] [ˈfɪfˈtiːn] [ˈmɪnɪts]. [bəʊθ] [mɛn] [hæd] [ˈhɑːdli] [hæd][taɪm] [tuː] [ˈrɪəlaɪz] [wɒt] [wɒz] [ˈhæpnɪŋ] [wɛn] [ðeɪ] [wɜː] [θrəʊn][ˈvaɪələnt]1[waɪ] [ˈɪntuː] [ðə] [siː]. [ðə] [ˈspiːdbəʊt] [hæd] [strʌk] [ə][bɔɪ], [bʌt] [ɪt] [kənˈtɪnju(ː)d] [tuː] [muːv] [ˈvɛri] [ˈkwɪkli] [əˈkrɒs] [ðə][ˈwɔːtə]. [bəʊθ] [mɛn] [hæd] [ʤʌst] [bɪˈgʌn] [tuː] [swɪm] [təˈwɔːdz] [ðə] [ʃɔː].[wɛn] [ðeɪ] [ˈnəʊtɪst] [wɪð] [dɪsˈmeɪ] [ðæt] [ðə] [ˈspiːdbəʊt] [wɒz] [ˈmuːvɪŋ][ɪn] [ə] [ˈsɜːkl]. [ɪt] [naʊ] [keɪm] [streɪt] [təˈwɔːdz] [ðɛm] [æt] [trɪˈmɛndəs][spiːd]. [ɪn] [lɛs] [ðæn] [ə] [ˈmɪnɪt], [ɪt] [rɔːd] [pɑːst] [ðɛm] [ˈəʊnli] [ə][fjuː] [fiːt] [əˈweɪ]. [ˈɑːftər] [ɪt] [hæd] [pɑːst], [ðeɪ] [swæm] [ɒn] [æz][ˈkwɪkli] [æz] [ðeɪ] [kʊd] [bɪˈkɒz] [ðeɪ] [njuː] [ðæt] [ðə] [bəʊt] [wʊd] [suːn][rɪˈtɜːn]. [ðeɪ] [hæd] [ʤʌst] [hæd] [ɪˈnʌf] [taɪm] [tuː] [swɪm] [aʊt] [ɒv] [ˈdeɪnʤə][wɛn] [ðə] [bəʊt] [əˈgɛn] [kəmˈpliːtɪd] [ə] [ˈsɜːkl]. [ɒn] [ðɪs] [əˈkeɪʒən],[haʊˈɛvə], [ɪt] [hæd] [sləʊd] [daʊn] [kənˈsɪdərəbli]. [ðə] [ˈpɛtrəl] [hæd] [ˈnɪəli][ɔːl] [biːn] [juːzd] [ʌp]. [bɪˈfɔː] [lɒŋ], [ðə] [nɔɪz] [drɒpt] [kəmˈpliːtli][ænd] [ðə] [bəʊt] [bɪˈgæn] [tuː] [drɪft] [ˈʤɛntli] [əˈkrɒs] [ðə] [ˈwɔːtə].

    任务配置:L0 +L4



    (1)Out of control,(标题)失控。

      介词短语out of可以表示“失去”、“欠缺”等:

    We are out of bread.我们的面包吃完了。

    (2)As the man tried to swing the speed-boat round, the steering-wheel came away in his hands. 当那人试图让快艇转弯时,方向盘脱手了。

    ①swing round 掉转方向;突然掉转方向;

    ②come away表示“脱落”、“脱离”、“脱开”等:

    When I tried to lift the suitcase, the handle came away.当我试图提起手提箱时,把手掉了下来。

    (3)Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生了什么事情,就被猛地抛入了海里。


    (4)they swam on as quickly as they could, 他们以最快的速度向前游去。


      Walk on along this road for ten minutes and you'll see the railway station.沿着这条路向前走10分钟你就会看见火车站。

    (5)The petrol had nearly all been used up. 汽油几乎已经用光。

      use up表了“用完”、“用光”、“耗尽”;


      The child soon ate up the cake.孩子很快把蛋糕吃完了。

      She burned up all his letters.她把他的信都烧掉了。

    (6)Before long, the noise dropped completely…没过多久,噪音便彻底消失……


      When he saw that Mary was annoyed, his voice dropped.他发现玛丽生气时,便降低了嗓门。

      We had to stay at home before the wind had dropped.风力减弱以前,我们不得不呆在家里。

    (7)roar past [rɔː(r) pɑːst]呼啸而过;

    (8)considerably  [kənˈsɪdərəbli]  adv.   非常; 很; 相当多地



        本文标题:飘飘的ScalersTalk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 8
