

作者: hanxianshe_9530 | 来源:发表于2019-10-29 11:38 被阅读0次
cards: {
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  content: {
    'intro-move-sayhello': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
          defaultMessage: 'Getting Started',
          id: 'gui.howtos.intro-move-sayhello-hat.name',
          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      tags: [
      img: 'static/assets/5c74b2c74fb87685d69914f6af840bc2.jpg',
      steps: [
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          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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            _store: {}
          image: 'introMove'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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            _store: {}
          image: 'introSayHello'
          deckIds: [
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    'animate-a-name': {
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        _store: {}
      img: 'static/assets/d9e0fd6da7031be3ed69ef361ad28792.jpg',
      tags: [
      steps: [
          video: 'animate-a-name'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Pick a Letter Sprite',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'namePickLetter'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'namePlaySound'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Pick Another Letter Sprite',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'namePickLetter2'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'nameChangeColor'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Spin',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'nameSpin'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Pick Another Letter Sprite & Make It Grow',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'nameGrow'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'name'
    imagine: {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
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          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      tags: [
      img: 'static/assets/0e7c63d93e28be97a36696f8a1528c4c.jpg',
      steps: [
          video: 'imagine'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Type What You Want to Say',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineTypeWhatYouWant'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineClickGreenFlag'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineChooseBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose Any Sprite',
              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseSprite',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineChooseSprite'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Press the Space Key to Glide',
              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineFlyAround',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineFlyAround'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose Another Sprite',
              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseAnotherSprite',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineChooseAnotherSprite'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Move Left-Right',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineLeftRight'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineUpDown'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Change Costumes',
              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChangeCostumes',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineChangeCostumes'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineGlideToPoint',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineGlideToPoint'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Grow and Shrink',
              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineGrowShrink',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineGrowShrink'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose Another Backdrop',
              id: 'gui.howtos.imagine.step_imagineChooseAnotherBackdrop',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineChooseAnotherBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineSwitchBackdrops'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineRecordASound'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'imagineChooseSound'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'imagine'
    'Make-Music': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
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          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      img: 'static/assets/410ccbdf0bbd12597c7152f64d44afca.jpg',
      tags: [
      steps: [
          video: 'Make-Music'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Pick an Instrument Sprite ',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Make-Music.step_PickInstrument',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'musicPickInstrument'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Play Sound When Clicked',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'musicPlaySound'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Create a Song',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'musicMakeSong'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose a Drum & Make a Beat',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'musicMakeBeat'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose the Microphone Sprite & Surprise Beatbox',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-music.step_MakeBeatBox',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'musicMakeBeatbox'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'music'
    'Tell-A-Story': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
          defaultMessage: 'Create A Story',
          id: 'gui.howtos.story.name',
          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      img: 'static/assets/66644f76b3f90ffeeb9bec0ffd4bccdb.jpg',
      steps: [
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          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyPickBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyPickSprite'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Say Something',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storySaySomething'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add Another Character',
              id: 'gui.howtos.story.step_addanothersprite',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyPickSprite2'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Flip Direction',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyFlip'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Have A Conversation',
              id: 'gui.howtos.story.step_conversation',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyConversation'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add Another Backdrop',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyPickBackdrop2'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storySwitchBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyHideCharacter'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
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              defaultMessage: 'Show a Character',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'storyShowCharacter'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'tell-a-story'
    'Chase-Game': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
          defaultMessage: 'Make a Chase Game',
          id: 'gui.howtos.make-a-chase-game.name',
          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      img: 'static/assets/31bc4953d6286b30920ef5a53878e875.jpg',
      tags: [
      steps: [
          video: 'Chase-Game'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add a Backdrop',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_BG',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameAddBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add a Sprite',
              id: 'gui.howtos.chase-game.step_AddOcto',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameAddSprite1'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Move Right & Left With Arrow Keys',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-music.step_LeftRight',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameRightLeft'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Move Up & Down With Arrow Keys',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_UpDown',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameUpDown'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add Another Sprite',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_AddStar',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameAddSprite2'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Move Randomly',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_MoveRandom',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameMoveRandomly'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Play Sound',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_WhenTouch',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGamePlaySound'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Create Score Variable',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.step_ScoreVariable',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameAddVariable'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'In Octopus Sprite, When Touching Add Score',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Chase-Game.ScoreWhenTouch',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'chaseGameChangeScore'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'chase-game'
    'Animate-A-Character': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
          defaultMessage: 'Animate A Character',
          id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.name',
          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      img: 'static/assets/8c3127887a7aacaea989aa247e510f84.jpg',
      steps: [
          video: 's228u3g5u9'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add a Backdrop',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addbg',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharPickBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add a Sprite',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsprite',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharPickSprite'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Say Something',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_saysomething',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharSaySomething'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add Sound',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_addsound',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharAddSound'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Animate Talking',
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              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharTalk'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Move Using Arrow Keys',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_arrowkeys',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharMove'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Jump',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_jump',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharJump'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Change Color',
              id: 'gui.howtos.animate-char.step_changecolor',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'animateCharChangeColor'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'animate-a-character'
    'Make-A-Game': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
          defaultMessage: 'Make a Clicker Game',
          id: 'gui.howtos.make-a-game.name',
          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      img: 'static/assets/e0e5baf4d9616b66aaa2e560cf4cfb51.jpg',
      tags: [
      steps: [
          video: 'Make-A-Game'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Pick A Sprite',
              id: 'gui.howtos.Make-A-Game.step_GamePickSprite',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGamePickSprite'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Play Sound When Clicked',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GamePlaySound',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGamePlaySound'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Create Score Variable',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameAddScore',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGameAddScore'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'When Clicked Increase Score',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_GameChangeScore',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGameChangeScore'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Go to a random position',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-a-game.step_Random',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGameRandomPosition'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Change Color',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-music.step_GameChangeColor',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGameChangeColor'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Reset Score',
              id: 'gui.howtos.make-music.step_ResetScore',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'popGameResetScore'
          deckIds: [
      urlId: 'clicker-game'
    'make-it-fly': {
      name: {
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: {
          defaultMessage: 'Make it Fly',
          id: 'gui.howtos.make-it-fly.name',
          values: {}
        _owner: null,
        _store: {}
      tags: [
      img: 'static/assets/18ec610c4e29d83d214a7e844b836cd8.jpg',
      steps: [
          video: 'zbtdx2dem9'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose a Sky Background',
              id: 'gui.howtos.fly.step_stepflyChooseBackdrop',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyChooseBackdrop'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose a Character',
              id: 'gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyChooseCharacter',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyChooseCharacter'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Say Something',
              id: 'gui.howtos.fly.step_stepflySaySomething',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flySaySomething'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Move With Arrow Keys',
              id: 'gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyMoveArrows',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyMoveArrows'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Choose an Object to Collect',
              id: 'gui.howtos.fly.step_stepflyChooseObject',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyChooseObject'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Make the Object Move',
              id: 'gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyFlyingObject',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyFlyingObject'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Select Your Character',
              id: 'gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflySelectFlyingSprite',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flySelectFlyingSprite'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add a Score',
              id: 'gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyAddScore',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyAddScore'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Keep Score',
              id: 'gui.howtos.add-a-move-block.step_stepflyKeepScore',
              values: {}
            _owner: null,
            _store: {}
          image: 'flyKeepScore'
          title: {
            key: null,
            ref: null,
            props: {
              defaultMessage: 'Add Scenery',
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              values: {}
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