Why PhD

作者: Shira0905 | 来源:发表于2017-07-17 11:53 被阅读0次

I do know PhD is not suitable for everyone, and it takes a long time and lots of hard work. But I believe it is helpful to my future career, not only helpful but necessary. Because I plan to work in big companies like Google and Facebook for some time and then go back to university to do research.

Though I have various hobbies, I still think I am that kind of people who enjoy settle down and do some researching work. And I think I have the ability to handle stress and manage my own time.

And another reason, maybe it sounds kind of hollow. I think PhD is a long-term and systematic training of intelligence and spychology. And these benefit are also life-long, they may improve my ability, eyesight and thinking methods when I handle other problem.

And of course, the cost is also very high, at least five years. I wouldn't allow myself to waste my time and gain nothing, I would try my best to take advantage of time and resources to do what I should do. And I have done a lot to get to know the PhD life from different perspective and I think I am prepared for this road.


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