January 10 2018

作者: 莲桂人 | 来源:发表于2019-01-10 21:16 被阅读3次

    My baby daughter May has learned to utter some words.

    I found she utters many words and she has learned to utter different words together: ayayaya, enhenhen…

    I remember her elder brother Ken was uttering such words when he learned to speak.

    Speak? Is May learning to speak? Maybe. But she is so young!  She is only six months old.

    I am glad to see she is learning to speak at so young age. I know some girl can speak at the age of nine months old. I hope that my baby also can speak at so young.

    The day before yesterday, when we took May to undertake the preventive inoculations, we had her receive physical examination.

    The results showed that her weight was 7.1kg, merely reaching the standard but her height was 66 cm, higher than the standard 64 cm.



        本文标题:January 10 2018
