英文 | 中文 |
Engines are running at full capacity, sir. | 引擎已经开足马力运行长官 |
Lieutenant Chung did a whale of a job while I was down. | 我受伤休息的时候钟中尉做得很好 |
Indeed he did. Should be in Costa Rica by tomorrow morning. | 确实做得不错明早就该到哥斯达黎加了 |
Attention on deck! | 立正 |
How far inland are we going, sir? | 长官我们要往内陆走多深 |
Carry on. | 继续做事 |
Dr. Scott said the jungle there is relatively close | 斯科特博士说这里有一片丛林 |
to the shoreline. | 离海岸很近 |
Should give us easy access in and out. | 登陆离岸应该都比较容易 |
Sounds good, sir. | 听起来不错长官 |
These gonna work for you, sir? | 你看这些行吗长官 |
Yeah. Good work. | 行干得不错 |
Well done, men. | 做得好弟兄们 |
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Don't exactly love the idea of experimenting on monkeys. | 真心不喜欢在猴子身上做实验的想法 |
Better than humans, sir. | 总比在人身上做实验好长官 |
- Hey, Max. - What's up? | -你好马克斯-你好吗 |
Fancy meeting you here. | 在这儿见到你真开心 |
It's been a month since I've had any spare time to exercise. | 我已经有一个月忙得没时间运动了 |
Other than sprinting away from the Russians in the Arctic. | 除了在北极为了逃离俄罗斯人冲刺了一回 |
Yeah, heard about that. | 听说过那件事了 |
Pretty ballsy... | 很有胆量啊 |
If I do say so myself. | 假如要我说的话 |
Survival instinct. Nothing more. | 求生本能仅此而已 |
Dumbbell? | 要练哑铃吗 |
No. | 不用了 |
I think I'm done, thanks. | 我运动完了谢谢 |
How come I never see you up in the wardroom? | 我怎么从来没在军官室见过你 |
For meals? | 没见你去吃过饭 |
Well... you might not have heard, | 你可能还没听说 |
but I'm not particularly well-liked on this ship. | 我在这艘船上不怎么受欢迎 |
I find that hard to believe. | 不可能吧 |
I had to... lie to them all for four months. | 我骗了他们所有人四个月 |
While we were up in the Arctic, | 当我们在北极时 |
the world was crumbling. | 世界发生了翻天覆地的变化 |
Their families were dying. | 他们的家人一个个死去 |
I knew it, and I wasn't allowed to breathe a word of it. | 我知道但是我不能透露一个字 |
I think you underestimate | 我认为你低估了 |
people's capacity for forgiveness. | 人们的宽容力 |
Maybe you just find it too hard to forgive yourself. | 也许你只是觉得难以原谅自己 |
It's not all on you, you know. | 不是你的错 |
- Isn't it? - No. | -不是吗-不是 |
I'll see you later. | 待会儿见 |
Wardroom. | 在军官室见吧 |
I'll save a spot for you. | 我会给你留个位置的 |
Wednesday, November 5th. | 十一月五日星期三 |
We're headed to Costa Rica | 我们要前往哥斯达黎加 |
to try to find Dr. Scott some monkeys. | 帮斯科特博士抓一些猴子 |
I don't know why I keep making these recordings | 我不知道我为什么要坚持录这些 |
or who might ever find them | 也不知道谁会发现这些录像 |
and how they'd even get 'em to you. | 更不知道他们要怎么交给你 |
I keep trying to picture you all in my father's cabin. | 我一直想象你们在我爸爸小屋的情景 |
You could barely spend a holiday weekend with the man, | 你几乎无法忍受跟他一起过一个周末 |
so you're probably just about ready to tear his head off by now. | 所以你现在可能已经准备好扯下他的脑袋了 |
It's hard here... | 这里的日子很艰难... |
Not knowing what's going on in the outside world, | 不知道外面的世界发生了什么事 |
wondering if... | 很想知道是否... |
When... | 当... |
When we come home... | 当我们回家的时候 |
what we'll be coming back to. | 会是何种景象 |
Sorry to disturb you. | 不好意思打扰了 |
We're picking up all kinds of distress signals | 我们收到了来自哥斯达黎加的 |
coming out of Cosra Rica, especially ourside Limon. | 各种求救信号尤其是利蒙港附近 |
What kind of distress? | 哪种求救 |
Lot of sickness. Civil unrest. | 很多关于染病的也有国内动乱的 |
Doesn't look like we're gonna get any kind of safe passage | 看来我们没法找到任何安全途径 |
into that jungle. | 进入那片丛林 |
Civil unrest? | 国内动乱 |
Nothing we can do anything about, | 我们什么都做不了 |
not unless you wanna get sidetracked for weeks | 除非你想几个星期都不务正业 |
and get into the nation-building business. | 去参与他们的建国大业 |
Better get Dr. Scott up here. | 最好把斯科特博士叫来 |
I already spoke to her. | 我跟她谈过了 |
She said our next best option's Nicaragua. | 她说第二选择是尼加拉瓜 |
There's a monkey reserve about 30 miles | 沿着那条细长的河流走48公里 |
up that long, narrow river. | 有一个猿猴保护区 |
We'll never get the ship in there, | 我们的军舰进不去 |
but we could send a few teams on the R.H.I.B.S. | 但是可以派几个小队坐刚性充气快艇进去 |
- 30 miles. - Yeah. Outside radar range. | -48公里-是的在雷达范围之外 |
Comms is unsure whether the frequency signals | 通讯人员也不确定那个区域的 |
in that area will be strong enough | 信号强度够不够我们 |
for us to keep in radio contact, too. | 维持无线通讯 |
Just keeps getting better. | 还真是一个消息比一个好 |
Oh, you haven't heard the best part. | 最好的我还没说呢 |
Dr. Scott insists that she comes along for the ride. | 斯科特博士坚持她也要去 |
Unless any of us can tell the difference | 除非我们有谁能辨别 |
between a Capuchin Tufted and a... | 黑帽卷尾猴 |
Geoffroy's spider monkey. | 以及黑掌蜘蛛猴 |
Is that reserve inhabited? | 那个保护区里有人居住吗 |
She said she was there a few years back, | 她说她几年前去过那儿 |
but there are only small teams of anthropologists | 那里只会有一些人类学家 |
that visit sometimes to observe, | 时不时地过去观察猴子 |
so otherwise, not supposed to be. | 除此之外应该没其他人了 |
Gonna need plenty of room on that R.H.I.B. for those monkeys. | 还得在快艇上给那些猴子留地方 |
We'll go with small teams. | 我们分成小队行动 |
- You'll handle it. - Not just me. | -你可以的-不只是我 |
Gonna need all my best men. That includes you. | 我需要最好的人也就包括你 |
Been a while since I've been hunting. | 有一阵子没打猎了 |
Man, I love a hunting trip! | 我爱狩猎之旅 |
Ensign Mason is taking a field radio. | 梅森少尉带了无线电 |
As usual, we will operate at EMCON. | 和平常一样我们要保持无线电静默 |
They will report in, but we will not respond. | 他们会报告但是我们不做任何回应 |
We do expect the teams will fall out of range. | 我们认为他们最终会走出信号范围 |
When they do, we'll go to a flare system. | 那时我们启用信号弹系统 |
Green means no radio contact available, but all is okay. | 绿色信号弹表示没有无线通讯但是一切顺利 |
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Red means no radio, and things are not okay. | 红色信号弹则表示没有通讯情况不妙 |
We're gonna hope we never see that red flare, | 希望永远也别看到红色信号弹 |
But we're prepared in case we do. | 但是要做好准备 |
I'll need a dedicated lookout on the bridge wing. | 我需要有人在舰桥侧翼专门观察 |
Aye, commander. | 明白指挥官 |
Look familiar? | 看着眼熟吗 |
Well, this is the edge of the reserve. | 这是保护区的边缘 |
As I recall, there's a stream in there near a waterfall. | 我记得在一个瀑布附近有条小河 |
The monkeys would congregate there | 猴子会聚集在那一带 |
because of the clean water. | 因为那里的水很干净 |
Report our position back to the ship. | 向舰上报告我们的位置 |
- Yes, sir. - Tex, Burk, | -遵命长官-特克斯博克 |
Stay here with Mason and Dr. Scott. | 和斯科特博士以及梅森待在这里 |
The rest of us will scout the area. | 其他人侦查该区域 |
- Captain Chandler, we... - you're staying here. | -钱德勒舰长我们-你待在这儿 |
Got it. | 知道了 |
They just disembarked at the western edge of the reserve, | 他们在保护区西边外围区域下船了 |
southern bank, | 南岸 |
Still in radio range. | 还在无线通讯范围内 |
Hey, uh, Doc, you got a...fella? | 我说博士你有男朋友吗 |
Last I heard, he was in Beijing, but that was months ago now. | 上次联系时他还在北京但已经是几个月之前了 |
He's a journalist. Travels a lot. | 他是个记者到处跑 |
And you? | 你呢 |
Oh, I'm a bit of a rolling stone, as you might imagine. | 我现在可还没定下来呢你能猜到的 |
A man your age, never married? | 你这个年纪却没结过婚 |
A man my age? | 我这个年纪 |
Hit a soft spot, did I? | 说到你的软肋了是吗 |
Oh, I'm 2% body fat, honey. Ain't no soft spot to hit. | 我体脂只有2%亲爱的没有哪里是软的 |
Except for that 2%. | 除了那2% |
She is a smart one, isn't she? | 她很聪明啊是不是 |
Hear that? Water. | 听到了吗水声 |
Waterfall. | 瀑布 |
Masks! Now! Masks! | 面具快带上面具 |
- El Toro! - El Toro, por favor! | -公牛号的-公牛号的帮帮我们 |
Fall back! Fall back! | 后退后退 |
There's nothing we can do for you. I'm sorry! | 我们帮不了你们抱歉 |
To the boat now! | 赶快回船 |
I'm sorry. We cannot help you. | 抱歉帮不了你们 |
Jesus! Where are they all coming from? | 天呐他们从哪冒出来的 |
Get away! Get off me! | 走开别碰我 |
- Get out of here. - El Toro, senior. | -走开-公牛号的先生 |
Get back to the boats now! | 马上撤回船上 |
- El Toro! - I'm sorry. We can't help you. | -公牛号的-抱歉帮不了你们 |
- Stay back! Move, move, move! - El Toro! | -不许过来快撤-公牛号的 |
Hey, Burky. | 博基 |
Cubano? | 要雪茄吗 |
Perks of Gitmo, my man. | 关塔那摩的福利啊兄弟 |
I'll wait. | 等下吧 |
All right. | 随你 |
- We've got trouble. - Start your engines! | -有麻烦了-发动引擎 |
You are out of here! | 你马上离开这里 |
Now! Back to the James! | 赶快回詹姆斯号上 |
I cannot risk you going upriver! It is not open for debate! | 我不能冒险把你带去上游别跟我争辩 |
We'll get you an assortment of monkeys! | 我们各种猴子都给你抓来 |
You're just gonna have to make do! | 你将就着用吧 |
Now, Burk! | 快博克 |