URL loading system的模块
- 基本类
- URL loading classes
- 辅助类
- protocol 协议支持
- authentication and credentials 认证和授权
- cookie storage 状态
- configuration management 配置
- cache management 缓存
URL Loading
In-memory block of data
- <font color = "gray">For simple requests, use the NSURLSession API to retrieve the contents from an NSURL object directly, either as an NSData object or as a file on disk</font>.
- 复杂一点的比如上传数据,提供一个NSURLRequest给NSURLSession or <font color = "green">NSURLConnection</font>.
- completion handler block。
- Provide a custom delegate。
返回结果包含了响应的数据,还包含了请求的数据,比如MIME type ,content length
Downloading Content as a File
- <font color = "gray">For simple requests, use the NSURLSession API to retrieve the contents from an NSURL object directly, either as an NSData object or as a file on disk.</font>
- 复杂一点的比如上传数据,提供一个NSURLRequest给NSURLSession or <font color = "green">NSURLDownload</font>.
- it is available in iOS,
- 能在后台继续运行,当app崩溃,终止,暂停也可以呢。
Helper Classes
- NSURLRequest
- NSURLResponse
- 定义与特定协议相关的属性
- 规定使用本地cache的方式
- 当用NSURLConnection or NSURLDownload时,设置链接超时
一个request 初始化一个connetction or download之后,再改request也无济于事。
- HTTP request body
- headers
- transfer method??
Response Metadata
只有元数据存储在NSURLResponse 对象中过的时候,通过各种URL发送的请求的数据才会以block或者delegate的方式交付给你的app
NSCachedURLResponse 包含了NSURLResponse对象。
Redirection and Other Request Changes
Authentication and Credentials
Credentials stored in persistent storage are kept in the user’s keychain and shared among all apps.
Cache Management
- NSURLCache 设置大小和disk中的位置,管理 NSCachedURLResponse对象集合
- NSCachedURLResponse 封装NSURLResponse对象(元数据??) 和URL content data ,NSCachedURLResponse提供额外uerInfo字典来存储自定义数据。
NSURLConnection 能够控制是否要缓存,缓存是佛只是在内存中运用
Cookie Storage
因为http是没有状态的,客户端用cookie来保存URL请求中的持久数据。URL loading system提供接口:
- 创建和管理cookie。
- 发送cookie作为请求的一部分
- 解释server的reponse的时候,还会要接收cookie
Protocol Support
URL loading system also allows your app to register your own classes to support additional application-layer networking protocols. You can also add protocol-specific properties to URL request and URL response objects