1asking child what happend and what to do, instead of telling him what happend and what to do.
2 always with an attitude of understanding, and respect. the feeling behind what we do is more important than what we do and how we do
3 always ask ourselves: is what i am doing empowering or discouraging?
4 four steps to win cooperation. express your understanding of children's feeling. show sympathy, share your feeling with children, focus on find a solution of problems.
5 win children over not win over children.
6 courage to be imperfect. we all make mistake, mistake is a good opportunities to learn.
7 four R of recovery from mistake: recognize, reconcile, and resolve.
8 don't do anything for a child that a child can do for herself, give child opportunity to develop self-reliance, make sure they do contribute to family or class. then they will learn the social responsibility.
9 a misbehaving child is a discouraged child. understand the real meaning behind the misbehavior: i just want to belong.
10 four critirions of effective discipline: is it kindness and firmness , does it help children to feel a sense of belonging and significant? is it long-term effective? dose it fouse on solving the problem?
11 four R of punishment: resentment, revenge, rebellion, retreat.
12 stop focusing on consequences and instead focused on solutions.
13 natural consequences provide an excellent learning experience for children when adults dont interfere as they usually do.
14 show your empathy and understanding for what the child is experiencing"i bet it is hard to get hungry "(get wet, get the bad grade, lose your toys), i love you and have faith in you to handle this.
15 the four R of logical consequences
related, respectful, reasonable, revealed in advance.
16 many teachers found that redirecting misbehavior into contributing behavior has worked to encourage children to stop, or greatly diminish their misbehavior.
logical consequences may be effective at the time of conflict only if the goal is undue attention.for other mistaken goals of behavior, it needs a cooling off period and after winning the childs cooperation.