2022-06-05 周日 英文记录

2022-06-05 周日 英文记录

作者: 狼牙雪豹 | 来源:发表于2022-06-05 23:19 被阅读0次

Today is the last day that I can stay at home all day.

Tomorrow I will go to the office to start the normal work life.

I don't know what to say in the daily. And because of the poor vacbulary, I use little words to express.
I am thinking of changing ways to record the daily or others.

Oh, a new and old thing. My son fallen down in his playhouse and cried then his grandmonther shouted to us immidetily. I found that his grandmother is too careful for him so that she can't bear he cried a little.

Maybe this is a part reason why he can't walk single. I am so afraid. I am not statisfied my mother in law but as an old generation, I don't know how to communication with her. It's the gap.

Dear son, you should learn not cry for everything which is not you wanted.


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      本文标题:2022-06-05 周日 英文记录
