java.lang 元注解
- Documented
If the annotation @Documented is present on the declaration of an annotation type A, then any @A annotation on an element is considered part of the element's public contract.
@Document:说明该注解将被包含在javadoc中- Documented 注解表明这个注解应该被 javadoc工具记录. 默认情况下,javadoc是不包括注解的. 但如果声明注解时指定了 @Documented,则它会被 javadoc 之类的工具处理, 所以注解类型信息也会被包括在生成的文档中.
- Inherited
Indicates that an annotation type is automatically inherited.
@Inherited- 说明子类可以继承父类中的该注解
- Native
Indicates that a field defining a constant value may be referenced from native code.
@Native (jdk1.8提供)- 指定字段是一个常量,其值引用native code。
- Repeatable
The annotation type java.lang.annotation.Repeatable is used to indicate that the annotation type whose declaration it (meta-)annotates is repeatable.
@Repeatable (jdk1.8提供)- 注解上可以使用重复注解,即可以在一个地方可以重复使用同一个注解,像spring中的包扫描注解就使用了这个。
- Retention
Indicates how long annotations with the annotated type are to be retained.
有三个值:- RetentionPolicy.SOURCE:这种类型的Annotations只在源代码级别保留,编译时就会被忽略,在class字节码文件中不包含;
- RetentionPolicy.CLASS:这种类型的Annotations编译时被保留,默认的保留策略,在class文件中存在,但JVM将会忽略,运行时无法获得;
- RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME:这种类型的Annotations将被JVM保留,所以他们能在运行时被JVM或其他使用反射机制的代码所读取和使用。
- Target
Indicates the contexts in which an annotation type is applicable.
@Target:注解的作用目标- @Target(ElementType.TYPE)——接口、类、枚举、注解
- @Target(ElementType.FIELD)——字段、枚举的常量
- @Target(ElementType.METHOD)——方法
- @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER)——方法参数
- @Target(ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR) ——构造函数
- @Target(ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE)——局部变量
- @Target(ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE)——注解
- @Target(ElementType.PACKAGE)——包
- @Repeatable 所声明的注解,其元注解@Target的使用范围要比@Repeatable的值声明的注解中的@Target的范围要大或相同,否则编译器错误,显示@Repeatable值所声明的注解的元注解@Target不是@Repeatable声明的注解的@Target的子集
- @Repeatable注解声明的注解的元注解@Retention的周期要比@Repeatable的值指向的注解的@Retention得周期要小或相同。
- 周期长度为 SOURCE(源码) < CLASS (字节码) < RUNTIME(运行)
java.lang 标准注解
- Deprecated
A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using. - FunctionalInterface
An informative annotation type used to indicate that an interface type declaration is intended to be a functional interface as defined by the Java Language Specification. - Override
Indicates that a method declaration is intended to override a method declaration in a supertype. - SafeVarargs
A programmer assertion that the body of the annotated method or constructor does not perform potentially unsafe operations on its varargs parameter. - SuppressWarnings
Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated element).