

作者: 走向自己的阿妙啊 | 来源:发表于2020-10-29 13:22 被阅读0次

    Lessons on how to cultivate a feeling of abundance while living simply.

    Lesson 1-Learn to slow down.学会慢下来

    Lesson2-Happiness must be cultivated through the practice of self-discoovery and selflessness.幸福必须通过对自我探索和忘我的实践来培养。

    Lesson 3-Learn form the seasons of nature.向四季学习。(Things don’t ever stay the same for long, The seasons change and so will you.万物不会永久停留,季节如此,你也如此。)

    Lesson 4-Seek the environment that best suits your needs.找到最适合你需求的环境。

    Lesson 5-Comparison steals individuality and dulls creativity.比较限制个性和削弱创造力的区别。(City life was overwhelming to my more sensitive quiet spirit , I longed to move to the countryside. It wasn’t until I come here that I realize how crucial one’s environment is to their creativity and their mental health.直到我搬到乡下,我才意识到环境对一个人的创造性和身体健康有多重要。)

    Lesson 6-By finding joy in small emotions, you cultivate satisfaction in the rhythms of everyday life.通过在微小的情绪中寻找快乐,你可以在日常生活的节律中培养丰足感。

    Lesson 7-there is magic everywhere, if you know how to perceive it.如果你知道如何感知,你将发现生活中充满魔法。

    Lesson 8-The joy of learning a new skill lasts a lifetime.学习新技能的乐趣将持续一生。

    Lesson 9-Reignite your love of learning new things.重燃你对学习新事物的热爱。

    Lesson 10-Happiness is a byproduct of giving to your family and community.幸福是给予家庭和社区的副产品。



