英语流利说 Level3 Unit2 Part1-Discuss

英语流利说 Level3 Unit2 Part1-Discuss

作者: karen_ffda | 来源:发表于2019-01-28 16:35 被阅读0次

    Discussing Test Results讨论测试结果

    How did you do on yesterday's science test?昨天的科学测验你考得怎么样?

    I did better than expected. 我做得比预期的好。

    How about you?你呢?

    I didn’t do very well. 我做得不太好。

    I expected to do better than I did.我希望做得更好。

    What was your score?你的分数是多少?

    I got a 90. 我得了90分。

    What about you?你呢?

    I got a 92. 我得了92分。

    I only missed 2 questions.我只漏了两个问题。

    So you did better than I did. 所以你比我做得好。

    And I really study for it too.我也为此而学习。

    That is a surprise.这是一个惊喜。

    You usually do better than I do.你通常比我做得好。

    Yes, I wasn't careful. 是的,我不小心。

    I made one really stupid mistake.我犯了一个非常愚蠢的错误。

    What was it?是什么?

    I said 90% of the sun isHeliuminstead ofhydrogen. 我说过90%的太阳是氦而不是氢。

    Wow, that was a stupid mistake.哇,那是个愚蠢的错误。

    What was the average score for the class? 这门课的平均分是多少?

    Do you know? 你知道吗?

    The average score was 86.3 and the lowest was 68.平均分为86.3分,最低分为68分。

    Do you know who got the lowest test score?你知道谁考试分数最低吗?

    No, I don’t. 不,我不喜欢。

    I don’t know who got the lowest score.我不知道谁得了最低分。

    It’s probably a secret. 这可能是个秘密。

    Did anyone get a perfect score? 有人得了满分吗?

    I think Ada and Sanjay both got perfect scores.我想Ada和Sanjay都得了满分

    Yes, they always do well. 是的,他们总是做得很好。

    I wish I were as smart as they are. 我希望我和他们一样聪明。



          本文标题:英语流利说 Level3 Unit2 Part1-Discuss
