I think we are all glad to see 2020 officially laid to rest in the history books. What a year it was, filled with unpredictable twists and turns.我认为我们很高兴看到2020年正式载入史册。那是一年,充满了无法预测的曲折。
As we embark on a new year in 2021, it is only natural to wonder what the next twelve months will hold. A new president is about to be inaugurated, along with a new Congress. Governmental restrictions remain in effect. Large sectors of the economy are still shut down. Health officials predict it will be months before things return to some state of normalcy.随着我们在2021年迎来新的一年,很自然地想知道接下来的十二个月将会怎样。新总统将与新国会一起就职。政府限制仍然有效。经济的大部分部门仍处于关闭状态。卫生官员预测,要恢复正常状态还需要几个月的时间。
No matter how uncertain the future might seem, as believers we are not pessimists. We are optimists, not because of wishful thinking on our part, but because our hope is anchored in the King of kings and Lord of lords.不管未来看起来多么不确定,作为信徒的我们都不是悲观主义者。我们是乐观主义者,不是因为我们一厢情愿,而是因为我们的希望根植于万王之王和万主之主。
We find solace in His sovereign goodness, knowing that He upholds all things by the word of His power and holds us safely in His hand. No matter what happens in 2021, our future is secure.我们知道他用他话语的大能托着万有,并安全地将我们握在他的手中,因此我们在他主权的良善中感到慰藉。无论2021年发生什么事,我们的未来都是安全的。
There are many places in Scripture we could look to see this truth articulated. Psalm 46 is one of those places. My intention is to encourage our hearts with the bold confidence of the Psalmist in the face of troubling times.我们在圣经中有很多地方可以看到这个真理。诗篇46篇就是其中之一。我的意图是在面对困境的时候以诗人的大胆信心鼓舞我们的心。
In verse 2 of Psalm 46, the Psalmist writes: “Therefore we will not fear.” What is it that we might have to fear? We could list many potential sources of anxiety, apprehension, and fear. The events of last year provides us with a fairly extensive list.诗篇46篇第2节写道:“因此我们将不惧怕。”我们可能要担心什么?我们可以列举出许多潜在的焦虑,忧虑和恐惧来源。去年的事件为我们提供了相当广泛的清单。
But the Psalmist focuses on two main categories: (1) In verses 2–3, his focus is on natural disasters, and specifically earthquakes and the destruction that they might cause; and (2) in verses 6 and 9, his focus is on national disasters, and specifically the violent upheaval that takes place when nations go to war and governments crumble.但是,诗人的注意力集中在两个主要类别上:(1)在第2-3节中,他的注意力集中在自然灾害上,尤其是地震及其可能造成的破坏。 (2)在第6和第9节中,他的重点是国家灾难,尤其是在国家发动战争和政府崩溃时发生的剧烈动荡。
These two categories sum up what we experienced in 2020, and they provide the main categories of concern as we look to the uncertain future. The Psalmist, likewise, recognized the dangers posed both by nature and by the nations. Yet, the encouragement to those who sang this song in ancient Israel, and the encouragement to those of us who read this Psalm today is the same: we will not fear.这两个类别总结了我们在2020年的经历,在我们展望不确定的未来时,它们提供了主要关注类别。诗人同样也认识到自然和国家构成的危险。然而,对于在古代以色列唱这首歌的人们的鼓励,与对今天读这首诗篇的我们这些人的鼓励是相同的:我们不会惧怕。
But how is this kind of confident resolve in the face of instability and hostility possible?但是,面对不稳定和敌对情绪,这种自信的决心怎么可能呢?
I believe Psalm 46 answers that question for us, and it does so by lifting our eyes off of this world and putting them on the Lord. Those who know and love Him need never fear. Though the mountains tremble and collapse into the sea; though kingdoms rise and fall; though wicked men flourish; and though our lives are but a breath—we need not fear.我相信诗篇46为我们回答了这个问题,它是通过将我们的视线从这个世界上移开并将它们放在主身上来实现的。那些认识和爱他的人永远不需要恐惧。虽然山峦颤抖着倒入大海;尽管王国兴衰;恶人蓬勃发展;尽管我们的生活只剩一口气,但我们不必恐惧。
In this Psalm, we are given three reasons not to fear, even in the face of trouble, and each of these reasons focuses on God, who is our refuge and strength.在这篇诗篇中,即使面对麻烦,我们也有三个不惧怕的理由,而这些理由中的每一个焦点都在上帝身上,因他是我们的避难所和力量。
We Will Not Fear Because We Rejoice in God's Presence (vv. 1–5) God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. (Ps 46:1) 我们不会惧怕,因为我们在神的同在中欢喜(vv。1-5)上帝是我们的避难所和力量。因此,我们不会害怕。 (诗46:1)
We do not fear because God is our refuge and strength. He is our solid rock, our foundation, our refuge, and our stronghold. Notice that he is also a “very present help in trouble.” God is not distant; He is not far off; He will not abandon or forsake His own. Because God is present, we will not fear. So, therefore, what need have we to fear? God is with us, and He is for us.我们不惧怕,因为上帝是我们的避难所和力量。他是我们的坚石,我们的根基,我们的避难所和我们的据点。请注意,他也是“遇到麻烦时的当前帮助”。上帝并不遥远;他就在身边。他不会放弃或离弃自己的百姓。因为有上帝在场,所以我们不会害怕。因此,我们有什么需要担心的呢?上帝与我们同在,祂是帮助我们的。
Now look at the rest of verse 2. This is the context in which the Psalmist is offering comfort: “though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” 现在看第2节的其余部分。这是诗人提供安慰的背景:“所以,地虽改变,山虽摇动到海心,其中的水虽匉訇翻腾,山虽因海涨而战抖,我们也不害怕。”
This is poetic language that describes earthquakes. And it stands in stark contrast to the reality that God is the eternal Rock of Ages upon which our hope is built. The ground may quake, but God is immoveable. The earth may change, but God is immutable. The mountains may crumble, but God is unassailable. Tidal waves may form as the waters roar, but God is unmoved. Though the mountains quake, and though the sea rises, God remains sovereign on His throne, unshaken, in control, and in charge as the King of kings and Lord of lords. 这是描述地震的诗意语言。它与现实形成了鲜明的对照,那就是上帝是永恒的磐石,我们的希望建立在永恒的磐石上。地面可能会发生地震,但上帝是不可动摇的。地球可能会改变,但上帝是一成不变的。山脉可能会崩溃,但上帝是无懈可击的。随着水域的咆哮,可能会形成潮汐,但上帝却不为所动。尽管山海震荡,虽然海面升起,但上帝仍然在他的宝座上保持主权,不受动摇,掌控,并作为万王之王和万主之王掌管。
The rocks of this world may shift and fracture and fall, but the Rock of Ages will never fail and those who hope in Him will never be disappointed. Earthquakes prove that even solid ground can tremble and give way. But our confidence rests in that which is infinitely more secure. Our hope cannot be shaken because our hope is in the Lord. 这个世界的磐石可能会移动,破裂和倒下,但是历代的磐石将永远不会失败,那些希望他的人将永远不会失望。地震证明,即使坚实的地面也可能发抖并让步。但是我们的信心在于无限安全的事物。我们的希望不能动摇,因为我们的希望在主里面。