be water

作者: 何老师干货2 | 来源:发表于2017-10-03 22:33 被阅读42次
    be water

    Empty your mind, be formless、shapeless ,like water.

    If you put water into a cup,it becomes the put water into a bottle,it becomes the put it in a teapot,it becomes the teapot. Now,water can flow、creep or drip or crash!

    even though lived 25years on this world. i don't think i can control my emotion very well. keeping peceful in mind is not easy. but it very  important. especially when we face the stock market、negotiation、study、love...

    Firstly, love things. when i was young. i'm  easy to take it seriously: what's her hoppy、favourite movie、hairstyles ,etc . but i found she donesn't care me so much. i had fragile heart.  So i understood, we cannot put all focus on raiseing up, it sholud like tangle, sometimes tangle up, sometimes tangle down. it can be a good dance.

    For the negotiation, always concession isn't a good way to solve the problems. we need clear our thought, fighting for the community of interest. be tough on our aim, retreat with other condition .

    In the stock market, we should be claim. but not be dead water. we just learn and watch the market wave. don't feel rage or lost. when find the chance, hold it tightly! when things are in bad way, let it go...

    Obviously, the water character have big use in the sports, that's why bruce lee so famous, even Kobe Bryant can recite his words fluntly.  sometime slow down, keep strength. sometime fast attack. if you try to remember or copy something, you will lose!  feel it .



      本文标题:be water
