Conversation---What's for Dinner

Conversation---What's for Dinner

作者: 心怡在紐村 | 来源:发表于2020-09-19 16:59 被阅读0次

    A: What do you want to do for dinner tonight?

    B: I don’t know. Do you want to go out to eat?

    A: I wouldn’t mind trying that new Chinese restaurant that opened.

    B: Mary told me it was pretty expensive, but the food was good.

    A: I wonder if we’ll need a reservation on a weekday.

    B: I’ve seen people waiting in line outside. Maybe we should make one just to be safe.

    A: Yeah. Better safe than sorry. I’ll call and get us a table for 6:30.How does that sound?

    B: That works for me.



          本文标题:Conversation---What's for Dinner
