庖丁解牛再也不怕“list of headings”(下篇)

庖丁解牛再也不怕“list of headings”(下篇)

作者: 艾达壹读 | 来源:发表于2017-02-10 22:44 被阅读0次

亲爱的小烤鸭,在做List of headings的过程中,你有没有遇见以下情况?

1. 段落中找不到主题句。

2. 主题句看得懂,但是备选标题没有合适的选项。

3. 一个段落中主题句有生词看不懂。








C6Test4 Passage 1

AA few months ago Kim Schaefer,sales representative of a major global pharmaceutical company, walked into a medical center in New York to bring information and free samples of her company’s latest products.The day she was lucky – a doctor was available to seeher. ‘ The last rep offered me a trip to Florida. What do you have?’ the physician asked. He was only half joking.


所选标题:v An example of  what doctor‘s expect from drug companies



C Yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress,half of the world’s population still suffers, (开头是主题句,但是我们却发现备选标题没有合适的选项,只能继续看后面的细节)with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans. As the united Nations report on access to water reiterated in November 2001,more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water; some two and a half billion do not have adequate sanitation services.Preventable water-related diseases kill an estimated 10,000to 20,000 children every day, and the latest evidence suggests that we are falling behind in efforts to solve these problem.




D The consequences of our water policies extend beyondjeopardizing human health.(开头像主题句,但是jeopardizing很多烤鸭不认识,那我们继续看细节)Tens of millions ofpeople have been forced to move from their homes-oftenwith little warning or compensation-to make way for the reservoirs behind dams.More than 20% of allfreshwater fish species are now threatened or endangered becausedams and water withdrawals have destroyed the free-flowing river ecosystems where they thrive. Certain irrigation practices degrade soil qualityandreduce agricultural productivity.Groundwater aquifersare being pumped down faster than they are naturally replenished in parts ofIndia, China, the USA and elsewhere. And disputes over shared water resources have led to violence and continue to raise local, national and even international tensions.



C7 Test3 Passage2

F There are two other kinds of research that have thrown some light on the origins of the Native American population; they involve the study of teeth and languages.主题句提到了teethlanguages两方面的研究 The biological anthropologist Christy Turner is an expert in the analysis of changing physicalcharacteristics in human teeth. He argues that too the crowns and roots have high genetic component, minimally affected by environmental and other factors.Studies carried out by Turner of by of many thousands of New and old Worldspecimens, both majority of prehistoric Americans are linked to Northern Asian populations by crown and root traits such incisor shoveling, single-rooted upper first premolars and triple-tooted lowerfirst molars.

According toTurner, this ties in with the idea of a single Paleo-Indian migration out of North Asia, which he sets at before 14,000 years ago by calibrating rates of dental micro evolution.Tooth analyses also suggest that there two later migrations of Na-Denes andEskimo-Aleut.


所选标题:ii dental evidence。虽然F段开头讲述了两方面teethlanguages的研究,但是F段细节大量论述了与teeth有关的一方面的内容,所以标题只能选ii。


E It is remarkable that large, mixed-ability classes could be kept together for maths throughout all the their compulsory schooling from 6 to 15.开头貌似讲义务教育的事情 Teachers say that they give individual help at the end of a lesson or after school, setting extrawork if necessary. In observed lessons, any strugglers would be assisted by the teacher or quietly seek helpfrom their neighbor.Carefully fostered class identity makes pupils keen to help each other-anyway,it is in their interests since the class progresses together.

Thiss carcely seems adequatehelp to enable slow learners to keep up.However the Japanese attitude towards education runs along the lines of “if youwork hard enough, you can do almost anything’. Parents are kept closely informed of their children’s progress and will play a part inhelping their childrento keep up with class, sending them to ‘Juku’ ( privatetuition ) if extra help is needed and encouraging them to work harder. It seemsto work, at least for 95 per cent of school population.

细节并没有出现对compulsory的描述,而反复出现的是strugglersslow learners的描述正确选项ii中的helpingless successful students细节中的strugglersslow learners,都是对less successfulstudents的改写。

干扰项iiiThe success ofcompulsory education选项compulsory education虽然在开头有出现,但是后面描述的对象找不到义务教育的成功success,进而排除。





Section E:It would have been easy to criticize the MIRTP for using in the early phases a ‘top-down’ approach, in which decisions were made by experts and officials before being handed down to communities,but it was necessary to start the process form the level of the governmental authorities of the district. It would have been difficult to respond to the requests of villagers and other rural inhabitants without the support and understanding of district authorities.

干扰项:ivGovernment authorities’ instructions段落中有提到Government authorities,但找不到instructions的任何描述,所以排除掉。

正确选项:xCo-operation of district officials其中district officials是district authorities.替换,Co-operationsupport and understanding的替换


如果你是雅思界的屌丝,词汇量太低,主题句看不懂,细节句看不懂,怎么办?没关系,艾达还有最后一杀手锏,我们统计headingKeywords(关键词)在自然段出现的频率,只要备选Heading的单词和原文段落的单词出现两个以上的匹配就可以选,但是注意只有一个匹配不可以选。这样我们就把最难的Listof headings题型转化成了单词匹配题,像在玩“连连看”游戏一样,不断寻找标题和段落意思相近或者相关的词,找到两对就完成任务,这样即使文章看不懂,题目依然可以做,是不是有一种“妈妈再也不担心我学习的感觉?”





答案:v Environmentaleffects,标题v中的environmental对应D段中两个以上的词,属于图解2,可以选。干扰项:vii the relevance to health,标题vii的中的health虽然对应D段首句出现的health,但是这属于图解1,不可选。


E At the outset of the new millennium,however,the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change. The focus is slowly shifting back to the provision of basic human and environmental needs as top priority-ensuring ‘some for all,’ instead of ‘morefor some’. Some water expertsare now demanding that existing infrastructure be used insmarter ways rather than building new facilities, which is increasinglyconsidered the option of last, not first, resort. This shifting philosophy has not been universally accepted, and it comes with strong opposition from some established water organizations. Nevertheless ,it may bethe only way to address successfully the pressing problems of providing everyone the clean water to drink, adequate water to grow food and a life freefrom preventable water-related illness.

答案:i Scientists’call for arevisionof policy

E段 scientists和revision都能在原文找两对到相关词,属于图解3,可选。

结合上篇内容,在完成List of headings的题目中,两种破解主题句的方法"主题句破解法"和"细节词破解法",每种方法都有各自魅力和不足,没有谁是万能的,能一劳永逸解决所有段落的大意,如果想要在考场上达到最好的功效,套用一句广告词就是“要两种一起用,效果才更好!



      本文标题:庖丁解牛再也不怕“list of headings”(下篇)
