

作者: 橘子罐头爱鸭蛋 | 来源:发表于2021-09-23 00:39 被阅读0次

first problem

  1. page 5 has an error in the Chinese
  2. syntax errors,typos/language issues, ?
  3. shorten to 8 pages
  4. improve the English used
  5. list the input and the output of fig1
  6. Italic where necessary,m,i
  7. The acknowledge part should move to the first page.
  8. Remove the words before Fig. 2
  9. Add a comma or period after each equation.

second problem

  1. The introduction should be revised significantly, Some unrelated studies are listed. chosen literature lack critical depth.
  2. The basic knowledge introduced too much

third and important problem

  1. Abstract is a little vague: methodology used、contribution\achievement
  2. technical contribution Is it the application of an emerging problem? or technical solution is also novel?
  3. data is difficult to obtain, so how to acquire the data in this work?
  4. the proposed approach should have better details: the approach for evaluation and the data sources needs explicit explanation.
  5. The performance evaluation is weak. Some explanations can be added.

fourth problem

  1. compare with any state of the art evaluation, so it is hard to see how the proposed approach is superior to the state of the art approaches.



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    first problem page 5 has an error in the Chinese syntax e...

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