We often think the key to a happier life is to make big, sweeping changes to the one we’re currently living. But focusing only on grand moves — changing our careers or overhauling our personalities, for example — often just leaves us feeling overwhelmed. A better strategy is to make incremental improvements. Over time, small tweaks can lead to a profound difference.
On a scale of 1–10, how happy are you with your life today?
Don’t dwell on the question too much. You don’t need to provide a list of reasons why — just give a number based on your gut feeling.
If your answer is 10, congratulations. There’s no need for you to be here.
If your first answer was [your answer plus one], what would be different?
Here’s an example of what it might sound like in your mind:
On a scale of 1–10, how happy are you with your life today?
Your answer: 6
If that answer was 7, what would be different?
The wording is important. The question “What would be different?” sends your brain on a mission to search for small, achievable changes you can implement to make your life just a little bit better the next day. Maybe you’ll decide to get outdoors for 20 minutes, or call an old friend for a quick catch-up session. Do this consistently over the weeks and months and those changes will start to add up.