

作者: 新航道成都学校 | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 15:53 被阅读0次


    “Nowadays, children spend a lot of time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”


    连续两周都在围绕“孩子”来命题了。上周要求大家讨论的是新技术改变了孩子们课余活动方式,而本周则讨论看很多电视和打很多游戏对孩子心智发展的影响。本题与2015年10月24日考题比较接近。题目中有三个关键词:children, watch TV / play computer games, mental abilities. 我们的讨论需要围绕这三个关键词:必须讨论孩子(不能大学生或成人),必须讨论看电视/打游戏(不是其他活动),心智发展(不能讨论对身体的影响)。

    在这三个关键词中,可能将mental abilities(心智能力)具体讨论下去对某些同学来说存在一定困难。其实,心智能力是非常宽泛的,涉及与我们心理相关的所有能力,比如想象能力、学习能力、解决问题的能力、逻辑思考、情感体验能力,等等。只要突破了对“心智能力”的理解,本题就比较容易写作了。比如,我们可以说看电视/打游戏可能有助于我们的想象能力和解决问题的能力,但对我们的学习能力和逻辑思维能力则可能有害。这样,我们就可以在本题的写作中体现出雅思考试中相当重要的“批判思维”的技巧了。



    What effects do watching TV and playing computer games have on children’smental abilities? The answer to this question, to my mind, is that there arepotential dangers as well as benefits.看电视和玩电脑游戏对孩子的心智能力有什么影响?在我看来,这个问题的答案是,既有潜在的危险,也有好处。

    解析:本段提出问题,并给出自己的观点。这种开头开门见山,直击主题,是雅思写作中广泛使用的一种开头法。mental abilities 心智能力(包含很广,包括思维能力,推理能力,问题解决能力,情感能力等);to my mind 在我看来,我认为;potential 潜在的。


    Parents tend to focus more on the risks of their children spending a great deal of time in front of the screen. To begin with, watching TV isaddictive and can result in brain damage, which mayimpair children’s mental power to learn. It has been scientifically proved thatprolonged TV viewing can decrease children’s mental abilities to concentrate, and increase the chances of brain disorders. Likewise, most parents see computer games as a negative influence or simply as an eviltemptation harmful to children’s mental abilities. Overdoing computer games, for example, might affect children’s ability to understand the real world. Taken together, both watching TV and playing computer gamesexcessively are believed to be bad for children’s mental development.父母倾向于更多地关注孩子在屏幕前花费大量时间的风险。首先,看电视会使人上瘾,会导致脑损伤,这可能损害孩子的学习能力。科学证明,长时间看电视可以降低孩子集中注意力的能力,增加大脑疾病的机会。同样,大多数父母认为电脑游戏是消极的影响,或者是对孩子的心智能力有害的邪恶诱惑。例如,过多的电脑游戏可能会影响孩子们了解现实世界的能力。综上所述,看电视和玩电脑游戏都被认为对孩子的心智发展有害。

    解析:本段论述看电视和打游戏对孩子心智能力发展的坏处:影响学习能力和理解现实的能力。tend to do...... 倾向于做......;addictive 使上瘾的;result in 导致;impair 损害;prolonged 长时间的;temptation 诱惑;excessively 过多地。


    However, it does not mean children should completely avoid watching TV or playing computer games. In the case of watching TV, with good content, it can be educational and informative, like good food to feed children’s hungry brain. Studies show that children who watch selected (non-violent) TV programs do better in reading and math tests than those who do not. Further, playing games can give children’s brain a real workout because the skills required to win involve high-level mental abilities which are not even taught at school.然而,这并不意味着孩子们应该完全避免看电视或玩电脑游戏。就看电视而言,内容好的电视可以是教育性和知识性的,就像美食一样来喂养孩子们饥饿的大脑。研究表明,看精选(非暴力)电视节目的孩子们在阅读和数学测试方面比那些不看的孩子表现更好。此外,玩游戏可以给孩子儿童的大脑一种真正的锻炼,因为获胜所需的技能涉及到高水平心智,而这些能力甚至在学校里都没有教过。

    解析:本段讨论看电视和打游戏对孩子心智发展的好处:阅读和数学能力;更多高层次心智能力的锻炼机会。in the case of 就......而言;informative 有信息量的;workout 锻炼;练习;involve 涉及;包含。


    To sum up, watching TV or playing computer games, like many things, can be both helpful and harmful to children. The issue, then, is not whether children should be allowed to watch TV or play computer games, but how parents should monitor their children’s screen hours.总之,看电视或玩电脑游戏,就像很多事情一样,对孩子们来说是有益的,也是有害的。因此,问题不在于是否应该允许孩子看电视或玩电脑游戏,而是家长应该如何监控孩子的屏幕时间。

    解析:本段是结论,以另一种方式重申自己的观点。to sum up 总之;issue 问题;monitor 监控。




