

作者: 幺幺是我 | 来源:发表于2021-03-09 19:41 被阅读0次

Is an egoist selfish?

Is modesty one of the characteristics of the egotist?

Is an altruist selfish?

Does an introvert pay much attention to himself?

Does an extrovert prefer solitude to companionship?

Are most normal people ambiverts?

Does a misogynist enjoy the company of women?

Does an acetic lead a life of luxury?

Does a misogamist try to avoid marriage?

Can you recall each word, now, without further reference to previous material?

Who lives a lonely, austere life?

Who interests are turned outward?

Who is supremely selfish?

Who hates people?

Whose interests are turned inward and outward?

Who is incredibly conceited?

Who is more interested in the welfare of others than in his own?

Who hates women?

Whose interests are turned inward?

Who hates marriage?


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