Look around you
Before you proceed avec (with) this Step, situate yourself comfortably in your living room. Now look around you. Can you name the things that you see in this pièce (room) in French? You can probably guess la lampe (lamp) and maybe even la chaise (chair) . Let's learn the rest of them. After practicing these mots out loud, write them in the blanks below.
la lampe lamp
le canapé sofa
la chaise chair
le tapis carpet
la table table
la porte door
la pendule clock
le rideau curtain
le téléphone telephone
le tableau picture
You will notice that the correct form of le, la or les is given avec (with) each noun. This tells you whether the noun is masculine (le) or feminine (la). Now open your book to the sticky labels on page 17 and later on page 35. Peel off the first 11 labels et proceed around the piéce (room), labeling these items in your home. This will help to increase your French mot (word) power easily. Don't forget to say each mot as you attach the label.
Now ask yourself , "Où est la lampe?" et point at it while you answer, "Voilà la lampe. " Continue on down the list above until you feel comfortable with these new mots.
l'appétit appetite
l'arrêt stop, arrest
l'arrivée arrival
l'attention attention
l'auteur author
la maison= the house
Voilà (there is) la maison (house)
le bureau, office
la salle de bains, bathroom
la cuisine, kitchen
la chambre à coucher, bedroom
le living room/le salon, living room
le garage, garage
le sous-sol, basement
While learning these new mots (words), let's not forget
l'auto/ la voiture, automobile, car
la moto, la motocyclette, motorcyle
le vélo, la bicyclette, bicycle
le balcon, balcony
le ballon, balloon, big ball
la banae, banana
le banc, bench
la banque, bank
le chat, cat
le jardin, garden
les fleurs , flowers
le chien, dog
la boîte aux lettres, mailbox
le courrier, mail
Peel off the next set of labels et wander through your maison learning these new mots. It will be somewhat difficult to label le chat (cat), les fleurs (flowers) ou le chien (dog), but be creative. Practice by asking yourself "Où est l'auto (car)?" and reply " Voilà (there is) l'auto?"
Où est la maison?
le bifteck ,beefsteak
le biscuit ,cookie
la bouteille , bottle
bref, brief, short
brillant, brilliant, sparkling