Red color coming up, sky brightening. Lower camera six inches, adjust tripod legs . Still not there. A foot more to the left. Adjust legs again. Level camera on tripod head. Set lens to f/8 . Estimate depth of field, maximize it via hyperfocal techniques. Screw in cable release on shutter button. Sun 40 percent above the horizon, old paint on the bridge turning a warm red, just what he wanted.
Light meter out of left breast pocket. Check it at f/8. One-second exposure, but the Kodachrome would hold well for that extreme. Look through the
viewfinder. Fine-tune leveling of camera. He pushed the plunger of the shutter release and waited for a second to pass.
Just as he fired the shutter, something caught his eye. He looked through the viewfinder again. "What the hell is hanging by the entrance to the bridge?" he muttered."A piece of paper. Wasn't it yesterday."
Tripod steady. Run up the bank with sun coming fast behind him. paper neatly tacked to bridge. Pull it off, put tack and paper in vest pocket. Back toward the bank, down it, behind the camera. Sun 60 percent up.