Pick up toys & books 收拾玩具和书
玩好了玩具要怎样做呢?After playing with the toys what should you do?
宝宝让我们来打扫吧。My dear let's clean up.
你能把玩具都整理好吗?Would you please tidy up your toys?
把你的积木捡起来放回盒子里去。Pick up your blocks and put them back to their box.
把小汽车放回原位。Put the car back where it was.
记得要把书放回书架上。Remember to put these books back on the bookshelf please.
Set the table 整理餐桌
一日三餐,餐前餐后,小朋友们都可以帮爸爸妈妈整理餐桌,safety first of course!
晚饭马上做好了,你能帮我摆放一下餐具吗?Dinner's almost ready, can you help me set the table?
我们一起清理餐桌吧。首先把这些盘子放进洗碗槽里好吗?要轻轻的哦。你也可以一个一个盘子慢慢拿。Now let's clear off the table. First put the dishes in the sink. Set them down gently. You can take one dish at a time if you want.
然后把这些残渣倒到垃圾桶里,用抹布擦干净桌子吧!Then dump the scraps into the trash can and wipe the table.
Help with laundry 洗衣服
怕我们晾洗衣服的时候宝宝会无聊吗?Why not 让他们一起动手参与呢!
妈妈在洗衣服,你要不要帮忙把脏衣服放到洗衣机里去?Mom is doing laundry now, would you help put the dirty clothes in the washer?
请自己洗小手绢好么?Please wash your handkerchief yourself, would you?
我们帮袜子配对吧。把两只一样图案的放一起,像这样。Here, let's play matching socks. Put two with the same patterns together, like so. Perfect match!
这些是你的干净衣服哦。你把它们放回抽屉里吧。These are your clean clothes. Take them back to your drawer, please.
Make juice/smoothie 榨果汁/做果昔
你能和我一起清洗这些水果吗?Can you help me wash these fruits?
打开盖子,把这些切好的水果放入榨汁机/搅拌机中吧! Open the lid and put the chopped fruits in the juicer/blender.
(橙/胡萝卜)果汁准备好啦!果汁中含有丰富的维生素,非常有营养,你要多喝点哦!One (orange/carrot) juice is served! Juice is vitamin rich and very nutritious. Drink up!
Chores chart 家务记录表
Chore Chart今天你们做家务了吗?爱孩子,就和他(她)一起做家务吧!