

作者: JackChen_ | 来源:发表于2018-10-15 20:20 被阅读0次


    1- 释义:证明什么是正当的

    2- 进阶

    a-The end justify the means. 为了目的,不择手段。只要目的是对的,任何手段说得过去

    b- The new features of iphone Xs can't justify the hefty price tag. 价格很贵,功能并没有提高

    c- ​the increasingly high cost of a few extra square feet of housing, not to mention of providing a good education, also make it economically harder to justify more children.  房屋价格升高,住处艰难,更别说好的教育,经济上的困难,都不能证明更多孩子是正当的。

    3- 翻译


    a- His decision can be understood from standpoint of economy,  but could not be justified ethically.

    答案: His decision can be justified from an economic point of view but can hardly be ethically justified.

    4- 情景造句

    a- The high rate of drunk driving can't justify alcohol as inseparable part from China history.

    b. The increasally high discrimination at office, not to menion the hidden corruption under table, also makes it illegal to justify the aguish value of company culture.

    c.Nothing can justify the evil of war.

    d.With increasally high living cost and fiercely competitive envrionment at south cities in China, the elite rank and blue collar have found it harder to justify the reverence and dignity in life and some of them believes living far away from hometown is an unprecedented pain in heart.



