读书随笔367—《Bonding》P38 Lecture3

读书随笔367—《Bonding》P38 Lecture3

作者: 善水100 | 来源:发表于2023-11-28 14:42 被阅读0次

To review what has been said so far: transference and counter- transference refer to the processes of bonding and unbonding between a therapist and a client.



The central issue is how the client is or is not trying to organize a situation for himself by creating the bond he needs or thinks he needs. “In order to grow-up, I need a connection with you in which you are a “good mommy.”



Transference means to bring an internal state to the foreground and project it onto the immediate surround. It is a client's internal state that he brings to the therapeutic situation.



At the same time, the therapist tries to behave in a self-controlled or self-inhibited way, for example, “I feel needy but I won't project it onto my client but will try to be objective." When the therapist's needs are in the background, he can either be a benign and neutral observer or a participant. Then the helper has less investment in the countertrans- ference aspect except as he wants or does not want to relate to how the client is trying to bond to him.




At that point the whole question of how a therapist conducts his therapy comes up. What type of relationships does he want? But the client's internal state is what comes to the foreground as he tries to form the behavior or conditions that would bring him satisfaction or not.





      本文标题:读书随笔367—《Bonding》P38 Lecture3
