- 场景一:计数设为1,启动多个线程await,等待主线程发送countdown信号后同步开始执行任务,场景类似跑步比赛,运动员都就绪等待发令枪响。可以用于简单的并发测试
- 场景二:计数设为n,将一个任务划分为n个线程进行同时处理,统计线程await等待所有n个线程执行完毕countdown,计数归零后完成统计工作。
- 场景三:结合前两者,设置两个CountDownLatch,一个计数为1的启动信号的latch,一个计数为n的完成信号的latch,一个大任务,用n个线程执行,每个线程都等待统筹线程将启动信号计数为1的latch计数countdown归零后执行任务。执行完成后每个线程countdown,将完成信号的n个计数的lantch点计数归零后统筹线程进行统计。
- 下面的代码示例是演示场景二中CountDownLatch的使用
public class CountDownLatchDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
// 定义需要等待的倒计时个数
CountDownLatch latch=new CountDownLatch(10);
Random random=new Random();
// 推荐的线程池的定义方法
ExecutorService executor=new ThreadPoolExecutor(10, 15, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
// 定义你的等待队列大小
new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(50),
// 定义你的线程生成方法
new ThreadFactory() {
private AtomicInteger threadNum=new AtomicInteger(0);
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
return new Thread(r,"custom work thread "+threadNum.addAndGet(1));
// 定义你的拒绝策略
String message="Task " + r.toString() + " rejected from " + e.toString();
throw new RejectedExecutionException(message);
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
int j=i;
try {
// 这里用于自己的业务实现,如果需要使用共享变量,注意使用线程安全的api或者同步锁
log.debug("the {} is ready,i is {}",Thread.currentThread().getName(),j);
// 执行完即完成一个倒数计时
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
long t1=System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug("the thread {} is awaiting !",Thread.currentThread().getName());
log.debug("the thread {} is running ,waiting time is {} ms !",Thread.currentThread().getName(),System.currentTimeMillis()-t1);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
long t1=System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug("main thread is waiting !");
// 等齐了或者倒计时到后继续
log.debug("main thread is end ,waiting time is {} ms !",System.currentTimeMillis()-t1);
10:59:17.952 [main] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - main thread is waiting !
10:59:18.091 [custom work thread 3] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 3 is ready,i is 2
10:59:18.094 [custom work thread 3] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the thread custom work thread 3 is awaiting !
10:59:18.179 [custom work thread 8] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 8 is ready,i is 7
10:59:18.282 [custom work thread 1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 1 is ready,i is 0
10:59:18.599 [custom work thread 5] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 5 is ready,i is 4
10:59:19.096 [custom work thread 9] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 9 is ready,i is 8
10:59:19.246 [custom work thread 6] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 6 is ready,i is 5
10:59:19.540 [custom work thread 10] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 10 is ready,i is 9
10:59:19.574 [custom work thread 2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 2 is ready,i is 1
10:59:19.670 [custom work thread 4] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 4 is ready,i is 3
10:59:19.941 [custom work thread 7] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the custom work thread 7 is ready,i is 6
10:59:19.941 [main] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - main thread is end ,waiting time is 1990 ms !
10:59:19.941 [custom work thread 3] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CountDownLatchDemo - the thread custom work thread 3 is running ,waiting time is 1847 ms !
- 计数设为n的可循环使用的路障,用于多个线程调用await,n个线程都达到await之后路障计数归零,线程一起同步继续,同时该路障被重置为n,可以继续循环使用。路障还可以设置一个执行器,在路障计数归零时被触发。用于比如,将一个大任务化为m个子任务,用n个线程执行,当每执行完n个子任务后,触发一次统计任务,同时开启下一批n个子任务的执行;
- 下面的代码示例即同时执行两个任务,每次两个都执行完再启动下一轮两个任务。
public class CyclicBarrierDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AtomicInteger num=new AtomicInteger(0);
CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier=new CyclicBarrier(2,()->{
log.debug("cyclicBarrier arrived,both ready to run,time is {}",num.get());
// 演示demo可以用简单的新线程池
ExecutorService executorService= Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
int i=0;
while (i<4) {
try {
log.debug("job 1 begin to start!");
log.debug("cyclicBarrier arrived! job 1 is running to start!");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (BrokenBarrierException e) {
int i=0;
while (i<4) {
try {
log.debug("job 2 begin to start!");
log.debug("cyclicBarrier arrived! job 2 is running to start!");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (BrokenBarrierException e) {
11:56:29.438 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 1 begin to start!
11:56:29.438 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 2 begin to start!
11:56:29.440 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived,both ready to run,time is 1
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 2 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 1 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 2 begin to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 1 begin to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived,both ready to run,time is 2
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 1 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 2 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 1 begin to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 2 begin to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived,both ready to run,time is 3
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 2 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 2 begin to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 1 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - job 1 begin to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived,both ready to run,time is 4
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 1 is running to start!
11:56:29.441 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.CyclicBarrierDemo - cyclicBarrier arrived! job 2 is running to start!
- 计数为n的Semaphore,即持有n个许可,线程可应通过该信号量的acquire或者tryAcquire来获取许可,获取许可后才能使用或者获取资源,使用完后通过release释放许可。该模型的设计即是为了实现对物理或者逻辑资源的获取进行限流。同时最多n个线程持有该资源的许可。当计数设置为1,即有互斥锁的效果,相比其他锁,优势是可以在其他线程进行release,从而处理死锁。
- 下面的代码示例对于一个限定的资源,使用Semaphore颁发许可,进行限流
public class SemaphoreDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResourcePool resourcePool=new ResourcePool(5);
ExecutorService executorService= Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
for(int i=0;i<15;i++){
String s=null;
try {
log.debug("{} 线程 获取资源 {}",Thread.currentThread().getName(),s);
} catch (Exception e) {
}finally {
// 释放资源确保在finnaly中
class ResourcePool{
private Semaphore semaphore;
private Queue<String> sourceQueue;
public ResourcePool(Integer n){
semaphore=new Semaphore(n);
sourceQueue=new LinkedList<>();
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
String getResource() throws Exception{
if(semaphore.tryAcquire(10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)){
return sourceQueue.poll();
}else {
return null;
void releaseResource(String s){
log.debug("释放资源 {}",s);
13:20:20.970 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:20.970 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:20.970 [pool-1-thread-5] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:20.970 [pool-1-thread-4] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:20.970 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:20.972 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-1 线程 获取资源 0
13:20:20.972 [pool-1-thread-4] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-4 线程 获取资源 3
13:20:20.972 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-3 线程 获取资源 4
13:20:20.972 [pool-1-thread-5] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-5 线程 获取资源 2
13:20:20.972 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-2 线程 获取资源 1
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-4] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 3
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-3] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 4
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-2] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 1
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 0
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-5] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 2
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-6] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-7] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-6] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-6 线程 获取资源 4
13:20:21.976 [pool-1-thread-8] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-7] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-7 线程 获取资源 1
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-8] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-8 线程 获取资源 0
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-9] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-10] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-9] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-9 线程 获取资源 2
13:20:21.977 [pool-1-thread-10] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-10 线程 获取资源 null
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-6] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 4
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-9] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 2
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-8] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 0
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-7] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 1
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-11] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-11] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-11 线程 获取资源 4
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-13] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-12] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:22.979 [pool-1-thread-14] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:22.980 [pool-1-thread-13] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-13 线程 获取资源 2
13:20:22.980 [pool-1-thread-12] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-12 线程 获取资源 0
13:20:22.980 [pool-1-thread-14] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-14 线程 获取资源 1
13:20:23.980 [pool-1-thread-11] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 4
13:20:23.980 [pool-1-thread-13] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 2
13:20:23.980 [pool-1-thread-12] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 0
13:20:23.981 [pool-1-thread-15] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 成功获取信号量
13:20:23.981 [pool-1-thread-15] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.SemaphoreDemo - pool-1-thread-15 线程 获取资源 4
13:20:23.985 [pool-1-thread-14] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 1
13:20:24.981 [pool-1-thread-15] DEBUG com.dz.demo.multiThread.ResourcePool - 释放资源 4