- ios 出现 Property xxx cannot be fo
- Vue 报错:TypeError:Cannot read pro
- Swift: Structs that refer to eac
- Property xxx cannot be found in
- Cannot create property 'token' o
- 【完美解决】Hexo博客出现“Cannot GET/xxx”错误
- Android的gradle的混淆打包出现的问题及解决方案
- vue-echarts出现Uncaught TypeError:
- js 轮播Cannot read property 'xxx'
- Vue Cannot read property 'xxx' o
今天在项目工程中,碰到一个Property xxx cannot be found in forward class object "XXXXX" 错误,找了好久,最后发现是因为自己在头文件中声明了@class XXXX, 而在源文件中包含了没有包含XXXX.h的原因。
使用前没有import "XXXXX"