I think i'm adorable
I deserve all the good things.
I think i'm beautiful
I am courageous 勇敢
I am smart
I am delightful 我令人快乐
I am effervescent 我很活跃
I am fabulous 我超级厉害
I am heavenly
I am idolized
I am just wonderful
I am a kindred spirit
I am lovable
I am momentous 我很重要
I am nice.
I am powerful.
I am perfect.
I am amazing.
I believe in myself.
I do well.
I am successful.
I am agreeable.
I am alluring. 我很有魅力。
I am ambitious
I am amused
I am boundless. 我有无限可能
I am brave
I am capable
I am charming
I am cheerful 令人愉快的
I am coherent
I am comfortable
I am confident
I am cooperative
I am credible
I am dazzling(outstanding)
I am debonair
I am decisive
I am decorous
I am determined
I am diligent
I am discreet 思考周到的
I am dynamic 活跃
I am eager
I am efficient
I am elated
I am eminent
I am enchanting
I am encouraging
I am energetic
I am entertaining
I am enthusiastic
I am excellent
I am exclusive
I am exuberant 热情洋溢的
I am faithful
I am fantastic
I am fearless
I am frank
I am friendly
I am funny
I am generous
I am gentle
I am glorious
I am good
I am harmonious
I am helpful
I am hopeful
I am industrious
I am jolly
I am joyous
I am kind-hearted
I am knowledgeable
I am likeable
I am lively 充满活力的
I am lovely
I am loving
I am lucky
I am mature
I am peaceful
I am placid
I am plausible
I am pleasant
I am plucky 勇敢的
I am productive
I am rich
I am receptive
I am responsible
I am righteous
I am romantic
I am selective
I am self-assured
It is up to me.
I am sincere.
I am a superman
I am skillful
I am supreme.
I am splendid
I am smiling
I am successful
I am talented
I am thoughtful
I am trustworthy
I am outstanding
I am upbeat
I am vigorous
I am warm
I am vivacious
I am willing
I am wise
I am clever
I think i did pretty wonderful.
I think i'm bright. 聪明
I think i'm unique.
I am happy.
I am a miracle.