说来很巧,我第一本经济学通识书是阴差阳错得来的。是买电子版时,卖家发错了,干脆就送给我了。书名叫《a little history of economics》,后来我才知道它的中文名叫《经济学通识课》。
1、scarce 稀缺
To economists,diamonds and white peacocks are the same as pens and books,they are all scarce. By scarcity they mean that there's a limited amount, and people's desires are potentially unlimited. Everything has a cost, we have to make choices to get anyone of them.
2、opportunity cost 机会成本
The cost of the subject that we choice is not just pounds or dollars, is about the cost of the subject that we give up.
3、margin utility 边际效应
‘Margin’ means the edge of something, so the ‘edge’ of your utility from pleasure the utility of the very last one you got.
The tendency of marginal utility to go down as you consume more is known as the ‘principle of diminishing marginal utility’.