升级Xcode 15后,项目报错

升级Xcode 15后,项目报错

作者: nick5683 | 来源:发表于2023-10-06 11:11 被阅读0次


    ❌错误1:出现大量Duplicate symbols问题

    升级到Xcode 15后,原先Xcode14可以编译的项目出现大量Duplicate symbols,且引用报错指向同一个路径(一般为Framework)下的同一个文件。经过查找相关解决,可通过添加设置改正。

    ❌错误2:Assertion failed: (false && "compact unwind compressed function offset doesn't fit in 24 bits")

    Assertion failed: (false && "compact unwind compressed function offset doesn't fit in 24 bits"), 
    function operator(), file Layout.cpp, line 5758.


    Xcode 15 beta includes a new linker, known as `ld_prime`. 
    This has a bunch of benefits, not least being the support for mergeable libraries, per WWDC 2023 Session 10268 [Meet mergeable libraries](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10268/). 
    However, any time you rewrite something that complex you inevitably run into the odd issue. 
    Normally I’d suggest you file a bug about this, but we already have a bug report about this one (r. 110340167).
    In the meantime, you should be able to work around it by reverting to the old linker. The linker has two options, `-ld64` and `-ld_prime`, that override its default algorithm for choosing a back end.

    Xcode -> Target -> Build Setting -> Other Linker Flags 添加一行"-ld64" 即可解决该问题


    Xcode 15测试版包含一个新的链接器,称为ld_prime。根据WWDC 2023 Session 10268 Meet mergeable libraries,这有很多好处,尤其是支持可合并库。然而,每当你重写如此复杂的东西时,你不可避免地会遇到奇怪的问题。通常我建议你提交一个关于这个的bug,但我们已经有了关于这个bug的报告(r.110340167)。

    添加设置可以选择使用旧的链接器 而不是默认的新的 -ld_prime 链接器。

    -ld64 is deprecated, use -ld_classic instead
    Xcode -> Target -> Build Setting -> Other Linker Flags 添加一行"-ld_classic" 即可解决该问题



          本文标题:升级Xcode 15后,项目报错
