电影《房间》 我喜欢的话

电影《房间》 我喜欢的话

作者: 蓝色是最温暖的颜色 | 来源:发表于2016-08-26 18:14 被阅读0次

Once upon a time,before I came

You cried and cried and watched TV all day.

Untill you were a zombie(僵尸)

But then I zoomde down from heaven through skylight into room(然后,我从天而降,穿过天空,进入房间)

And I was kicking you from the inside  Boom boom

And then I shot out onto rug with my eyes wide open

And you cutted the cord and said HELLO JACK



There are so much of place in the world 

There's less time because the time has to be spread (隔开)

extra thin over all the place, like butter.(薄薄的摆在不同的地方,就像奶油)

so all the persons say "hurry up ,let'get going"

"pick up the pace,finish up now"(脚步得快点,现在就得把事情做完)

Ma was in a hurry to go boing up to heaven(妈妈急的要冲上天堂)

but she forgot me ,Dumbo Ma.(笨蛋妈妈)

So the aliens threw her back down,craaaash(所以外星人又把它扔回来了唰shi)

and broke her.



When I was four I didn't even know about the world.

And now me and Ma are going to live in it forever and ever

until we are dead.

This is a street in a city in a country called America.

And Earch, that's a blue and green planet

always spinning(旋转) so I didn't know why we don't fall off.

Then there are Outer Space(外太空)

and nobody knows where's heaven(天堂)

And Ma and I have decided that

because we don't konw what we like 

we get to try everything.

There are so many things out here.

And sometimes it's scary(恐怖)

but that's ok.

Because it's just you and me.(因为还是你和我在一起)



Bye plant

Bye chair No.1

Bye chair No.2

Bye table

Bye wardrobe

Bye sink

Bye-bye skylight

Ma say bye-bye to the room

Bye-bye room.


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      本文标题:电影《房间》 我喜欢的话
