今天是大师游戏第99天星期三,继续读《Grace and Grit》,终于理解了什么是慈悲心,慈悲心就是愿意承受和化解别人的苦难。
That was the entire point. It caught all of us "selfless Buddhists" with our egos hanging out. We would practice to get our own enlightenment,to reduce our own suffering, but take on the suffering of others, even in imagination?
Tonglen is designed exactly to
cut that egoic self-concern, self-promotion, and self-defense. It exchanges self for other, and thus it profoundly undercuts the subject/object dualism. It asks us to undermine the self/other dualism at
exactly the point we are most afraid: getting hurt ourselves. **Not just talking about having compassion for others' suffering, but being willing to take it into our own heart and release them in exchange. This is true compassion, the path of the Mahayana. In a sense it is the Buddhist equivalent of what Christ did: be
willing to take on the sins of the
world, and thus transform them.
The point is fairly simple: For the true Self, or the one Self, self and other can be easily exchanged, since both are equal, it makes no difference to the only Self. Conversely, if we cannot exchange self for other, then we are lockedout of one-Self awareness, locked out of pure non-dual awareness. Our unwillingness to take on the suffering of others locks us into our own suffering, with no escape, because it locks us into our
self, period. As William Blakeput it, "Lest the Last Judgment come and
find me unannihilate, and I be seized and given unto the hands of my own selfhood."