李志達家長午餐質素關注小組召集人 王浩
3)家教會附件中轉載了午餐供應商(九至五飲食有限公司Nine To Five Limited 2667 2790 2667 0877 /2666 9001 contact@ntf.com.hk)的書面解釋,其中一項指出米飯未能徹底煮熟可能是由於原材料問題。由於我缺乏食物烹飪相關專業知識,無法判斷這個解釋是否成立,因此懇請食物安全中心提供專業意見。我希望了解米飯未煮熟究竟是一種無法完全避免的技術問題,還是九至五公司存在專業上的失當。如果是前者,我希望食環署就學校和家長應該如何處理這一問題提供專業意見。如果是後者,我希望食環署能介入調查,確保九至五公司向全港各中小學、幼稚園所供應午餐的質素。
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to follow up with the enquiry (CMIS No.2017200486) made on Nov 12. Please let me know when I could expect a reply. I am a bit surprised that it takes so long for the department to process my enquiry. I wrote to other government departments such as Department of Health, Food and Health Bureau and Office of Chief Executive on other issues and usually I got replies within 1 week. I would appreciate it if you could provide me an update on my case.
Simon Wang
如發覺所購買的食物有問題,可致電本署24小時熱線2868 0000作出舉報,並提供詳細資料,包括投訴食物樣本、品牌、購買日期、時間、地點和不符的詳情等。調查人員會作出跟進。
(林妙妍 代行)
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to bring your attention to an enquiry I made to Food and Environmental Hygiene Department on Nov 12 (CMIS No.2017200486).
On Nov 9, a few parents at Lee Chi Tat Memorial School found that rice in the lunch boxes for the schoolchildren were not properly cooked. While the school has followed up the matter with the lunch supplier Nine to Five (attached are the memos from the school), I wrote to the department asking if any support and help might be available from the department to ensure the quality of food for schoolchildren. I also sought professional advice from the department on a specific issue: whether it is reasonable for Nine to Five to blame its rice supplier for not being able to fully cook the rice.
I am very disappointed with the way your colleagues at Food and Environmental Hygiene Department dealt with my enquiry (attached please find their reply). To begin with, it took the department more than two weeks to process my enquiry. I did not get a reply until I wrote to them again to follow up on Nov 30. In their reply, they did not answer my questions but refer me to web pages that are barely relevant to my concern.
I hope your colleagues can review my enquiry again and consider the following requests:
1) Given that Nine to Five has repeatedly failed to cook the rice properly for schoolchildren in Lee Chi Tat, I hope the department could look into the matter and make sure that Nine to Five would take necessary measures to avoid making such mistakes in future. Since Nine to Five supplies lunch boxes for many schools in Hong Kong, I think such an investigation is necessary not just for the schoolchildren at Lee Chi Tat but many more children and parents in the city.
2) Since the schoolchildren (especially primary one and primary two pupils) may not be able to detect bad food with their limited cognitive skills, it is necessary for the department to provide more information and guidelines for schools to ensure the quality of food served to small children. In the guidelines provided by the department (http://www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/multimedia/multimedia_pub/files/school_lunches_ordered_are_safe.pdf), the issue of detecting food of poor quality for small children was not adequately addressed.
3) please respond to my question about whether it is reasonable for Nine to Five to blame the rice supplier.
4) Since the quality and safety of lunch food for schoolchildren is a very important matter, I suggest that the department should have a team dedicated to routinely reviewing the production of food for schoolchildren.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Yours sincerely
Simon Wang
Dear Mr. Wang,
Enquiry on Food Safety of School Lunches
I refer to your emails of 2 Dec and 16 Nov 2017 concerning the subject and would like to furnish you with the following reply.
Staff of Food Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has conducted inspection on food processing and post-cooking handling steps in the food premises (lunchbox supplier, Nine to Five Ltd.) and serving process at Lee Chi Tat Memorial School. The lunchbox supplier, Nine to Five Ltd., situated at Unit A-B, G/F & M/F (portion), Tai Ping Industrial Park,51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, New Territories is covered by a valid food factory licence (supply lunch box). Food processing and post-cooking handling steps from purchase of raw material from supplier, on-site storage, food preparation, cooking and packing of lunch box; and hygienic condition of "Nine to Five Ltd." were checked and no irregularities were detected. Nevertheless, our staff gave health education on food, environmental and personal hygiene to the responsible person on the spot. Besides, we have reminded the lunch supplier to stay vigilant particularly cooking food thoroughly, conducting quality assurance inspection (including any sign of undercooked rice) before delivery to school and storing lunch boxes in hygienic insulation boxes at proper holding temperature during transportation with a view to ensuring food safety and quality.
With regard to meal serving in the school, the vice-principal revealed that the teachers perform regular inspection to check the quality and holding temperature of the lunch boxes. Sign of undercooked rice in lunch box was not detected recently. Our staff checked the hygienic condition of transporting vehicle, lunch box distribution area and insulation boxes and found satisfactory. In addition, the holding temperature of lunch boxes at time of serving reached 60oC that observes hygiene practice.
In the course of our investigation, it was noticed that the lunchbox supplier has changed the source of rice recently. The same cooking process as adopted before may result in different texture of the finished product. It is also worth mentioning that different rice varieties are expected to absorb water and expand differently upon cooking, resulting in cooked rice of different hardness, whiteness and dullness. Also, long-grain rice is generally more fluffy and firm after cooking, while cooked medium and short-grain rice is more soft, moist and sticky in texture.
To build a healthy school environment, caterers have the responsibility to serve safe food. Meanwhile, the FEHD appreciates collaborative effort of school, food trade and government to promote safe lunch box in schools. Apart from regular inspections to lunch box supplier by our staff, great importance is attached to safe and quality meal at school through school management. To this end, the Centre for Food Safety has been organising food hygienic talks and developing guidelines for the trade and school.
Thank you for your concern on food safety.
Yours faithfully,
(Ms. LAM Mui-yen)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
From: Simon H Wang <simonwang@hkbu.edu.hk>
To:health_cheuweb@dh.gov.hk,"enquiries@dh.gov.hk" <enquiries@dh.gov.hk>
Cc:"contact@ntf.com.hk" <contact@ntf.com.hk>,"lctms@ymail.com" <lctms@ymail.com>
Date: 07/12/2017 21:27
Subject: Is Nine to Five Limited offering healthy lunch food to schoolchildren?
DearEatSmart@School.hkCampaign Steering Committee,
I am writing to bring your attention to the issue of whether Nine to Five Limited, the lunch supplier of my son's primary school (Lee Chi Tat Memorial School), is offering healthy lunch food to its customers.
According to this document (http://school.eatsmart.gov.hk/files/pdf/salt_reduction_scheme_for_school_lunches_1718_participating_lunch_suppliers_en.pdf), 2-8% of the lunches from Nine to Five Limited contain a reduced amount of salt and such lunches are offered to 100% of the client schools. Yet, in the lunch order form for my son, I cannot find any indication of which lunches contain less salt. Since I agree with the committee that the amount of salt should be kept small in children's diet, I am disappointed that Nine to Five does not provide information that I need to help my son make the right choices.
According to Nutritional Guidelines on Lunch for Students (http://school.eatsmart.gov.hk/files/pdf/lunch_guidelines_bi.pdf), it is recommended that primary 1-3 pupils should have at least one serving of fruit (p. 32). In Lunch Suppliers' Operation Information, it is suggested that Nine to Five provides fruit in its lunches. Nevertheless, no fruit is available in my son's lunches.
You may think that I should have first contacted Nine to Five to clarify the matter. Unfortunately, the company was not very forthcoming in answering my email. Therefore, I hope the committee can look into the matter and make sure that Nine to Five Limited, which seems to a major lunch suppliers for schools in HK, provide accurate information about the food it supplies. Offering misleading information about how healthy the food is through Department of Health website would not help advance the cause of promoting healthy food among our children.
I hope this message could be passed to all committee membershttp://school.eatsmart.gov.hk/files/pdf/ESS_Campaign_SC_member_list_bi.pdfand look forward to your reply. I also copy this message to Nine to Five and Lee Chi Tat Memorial School for their reference.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Wang
Dear Mr WANG,
Thank you for your email.
Your enquiry is receiving attention and under processing. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
(CHEUNG Yin-ting)
for Director of Health