
作者: Alex96 | 来源:发表于2017-08-30 16:48 被阅读4次


Debris is trash scattered around after a disaster, like shattered glass on the road after a car accident.
Debris comes from French for "waste, rubbish." Although debris usually refers to the trash leftover after some kind of explosion or crash, it can also be what's on your floor after hosting a kid's make-your-own pizza party, or what you shouldn't leave at the park after a picnic. Sometimes Mother Nature leaves debris, such as a pile of rocks, or that car on your lawn after the flood recedes. Don't pronounce the "s": debris rhymes with "be free."


Use the noun foresight to describe successful planning for the future. When it starts raining hard during your long walk to school, you'll wish you had the foresight to bring an umbrella.
The word foresight is made of two parts: fore, which means "before," and sight, which means "to perceive." People often perceive things with their eyes: this is vision, or sight. But vision can also describe what someone thinks will happen in the future — and foresight is planning for things before they happen.


When you're sociable, you're willing to talk and be friendly with other people. At a party, it's a good idea to be sociable and make new friends rather than standing off in a corner by yourself.
Sociable comes from the Latin sociabilis meaning "close, intimate." When you are sociable with others, you invite them to get close to you by being friendly and pleasant. When a place or group of people is friendly and inviting, it can be described as sociable. Certain small towns are known to be friendly and sociable.


f there is a cupcake scarcity in your kitchen, there are hardly any cupcakes around, and you're not sure that any will be appearing any time soon.
The noun scarcity comes from the adjective scarce, which means "restricted in quantity or availability." So scarcity is the state of there being very little of something. During a war when shipping gets interrupted, there might be a fuel scarcity, pushing people to carpool or ride bikes instead of driving. If you're in a room full of super boring people, you might say there's a scarcity of good conversation.

Headway is what you achieve when you move forward or make progress. When you're rowing a boat on a very windy day, it can be hard to make any headway.
You can literally make headway, as when you move forward, fighting your way through an enormous crowd at a shopping mall or rock concert — and you can also make a more metaphorical kind of headway: "I have been trying to write this novel for three years, but I'm just not making any headway." The word meant "the main road" in the 14th and 15th centuries, and came to mean "motion forward" in the 1740s.

Tactic is another word for maneuver or method. Looking for a way to get something done? Then you better find a tactic.
English-speakers have been talking about tactics since at least 1640, when this word was first recorded. A tactic is just a way to do something, a plan, or an approach. Generals have to have a good grasp on military tactics to win a battle; football teams have to use strong defensive tactics to keep the other guys from scoring. One time-tested tactic for winning over a teacher? Always turn your homework in on time

To replenish something is to refill it. If you have a pet pooch, you’re probably obligated to replenish his food bowl to avoid being barked at incessantly.
Use replenish when talking about something valuable or desirable, such as money or food. For example, you might discuss replenishing your bank account, but you wouldn’t speak of replenishing a trash can. You can also use replenish in a joking way to show that something is of value to you; by noting that the jar of jellybeans on your desk needs to be replenished, you indicate that you require jellybeans to survive your day at the office. We get tha
If you can describe something as possible but not yet actual, choose the adjective potential. Companies try to reach potential customers through advertising.
Potential, from the Latin potentia "power," sounds more complicated than it is. It describes something or someone that has the power to become something. A potential success is not yet a success but could be if circumstances are right. When a situation has the potential for disaster, it could turn bad easily. You have potential if you have a natural but undeveloped ability to do something and a building with potential will be really nice once it's fixed up.


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