用英语学法语之 法语中的厨房词汇—— French Kitche

用英语学法语之 法语中的厨房词汇—— French Kitche

作者: 羊生生和卜猫 | 来源:发表于2021-05-01 03:16 被阅读0次


Yes, France IS the country of fine cuisine. But whether it's in a restaurant or at home, a good meal always starts in the kitchen. With this lesson on French kitchen vocabulary, you'll be able to steal your friends' good recipes!

Cooking in a French Kitchen

Your childhood French friend Hortense has invited you over for New Year's Eve... along with 30 other people! You offer your help, which she accepts: she's counting on you to assist her dans la cuisine (in the kitchen), because, after all, you've been friends forever! Hortense is about to prepare the hors-d'oeuvres, so she grabs a long list of ingredients out of the frigo and a plateau for serving them. Wait, what's that?

Storing and Preparing La Nourriture (The Food)

Kitchens in France are smaller and less open than those in North America, true. But the French still manage to prepare excellent meals in tiny spaces. Let's go over the basic equipment used to store and prepare food:

French Pronunciation English

Une cuisine Ku-ee-zee-n A kitchen

Un réfrigérateur Ray-free-zhee-ra-tör Refrigerator

Un frigo (colloquial Free-go Fridge

Un placard Pla-kar Cupboard

Une étagère Ay-ta-zheh-r Shelf

Un tiroir Tee-r-wah-r Drawer

Un four Foo-r Oven

Une cuisinière Ku-ee-zee-ni-eh-r Stovetop

Une cuisinière à gaz Ku-ee-zee-ni-eh-r a-gaz Gas stove

Une plaques de cuisson vitrocéramiques Pla-k dö ku-ee-san vee-tro-say-ra-mik Ceramic glass cooktops

Une plaques de cuisson au gaz Pla-k dö ku-ee-san o-gaz Gas cooktops

Un micro-ondes Mee-kro an-d Microwave

Hortense is growing more and more nervous. Clearly, you've been hired as a helper for the whole evening. Here are the actions she might ask you to do:

French Pronunciation English

Cuire Ku-ee-r To cook

Réchauffer (au micro-ondes) Ray-sho-fay To heat (in the microwave)

Découper Day-koo-pay To cut

Couper Koo-pay To chop

En petits morceaux On pö-ti mor-so In small pieces

En fines lamelles On fee-n la-meh-l In fine slices

Laver La-vay To wash

Remuer Rö-mu-ay To toss, to stir

Mélanger (une salade) May-lon-zh-ay To mix, to blend, to toss (a salad)

Where and how can you do that?

French Pronunciation English

Un couteau Koo-to Knife

Un couteau de cuisine Koo-to dö ku-ee-zee-n Kitchen knife

Une fourchette Foo-r-sh-eh-t Fork

Une cuiller (also spelled: cuillère) Ku-ee-yeh-r Spoon

Une planche à découper Plon-she a-day-koo-pay A cutting board

Un plan de travail Plon dö tra-va-y Counter

Serving the Food

The hors d'oeuvres have been served, but your job is far from being over: in France, meals during a seated dinner follow a very specific order:

l'entrée (on-tray): starters

le plat principal (pla pruhn-si-pal): main meal

le fromage (fro-ma-zh): literally, it means 'cheese.' The French usually have cheese after their main meal.

le dessert (day-seh-r): dessert

In order to servir (serve) the food and beverages, here's what you'll need:

French Pronunciation English

Un plateau Pla-to Tray

Une assiette A-si-eh-t Plate

Du sel Seh-l (Some) salt

Une salière Sa-li-eh-r A salt shaker

Du poivre P-wah-vre (Some) pepper

Une poivrière P-wah-vree-eh-r A pepper mill

Un verre Veh-r A glass

Une coupe / Une flûte Koo-pe / Flu-te A champagne glass

Un verre à pied Veh-r a-piay A wine glass

Un tire-bouchon Tee-r boo-shan A corkscrew

Of course, because you're still as clumsy as you were when you were a child, you spill some champagne on the floor as you open it. Hortense is not happy about it, but at least you didn't drop a plate, which would have entailed another delay in her military-like organization. But be careful: there are MANY actions you do not want to do in a kitchen:

French Pronunciation English

Casser Ka-say To break

Renverser (par terre) Ron-veh-r-say (par-teh-r) To spill (on the floor)

Faire tomber Feh-r tam-bay To drop, to make something fall

Se couper Sö koo-pay To cut oneself

Se blesser Sö bleh-say To injure oneself

Se brûler Sö bru-lay To burn oneself

Brûler Bru-lay To burn, to overcook

Cleaning Up

Dessert, finally! As Hortense slowly but surely drags you back to the kitchen to help her put everything away, you make her promise that next year, you'll be off duty and treated as a real guest. She nods, and then points to the poubelle (garbage) to get you moving! Here's what she might also need you to do:

French Pronunciation English

Débarrasser (la table) Day-ba-ra-say (la ta-ble) To clear (the table)

Ranger Ron-zh-ay To put things away, to put in order

Nettoyer Neh-t-wah-yay To clean

Balayer Ba-leh-yay To sweep

Faire la vaisselle Feh-r la veh-seh-l To do the dishes

Essuyer Eh-su-yay To wipe / To dry (dishes)

Luckily, you can count on the support of wonderful machines and instruments:

un lave-vaisselle (lav veh-seh-l): a dishwasher

une éponge (ay-pan-zh): a sponge

un balai (ba-leh): a broom

un aspirateur (as-pee-ra-tör): a vacuum cleaner

Lesson Summary

Now that you're off duty, here's what you need to remember next time you're invited for dinner:

In France, guests are not supposed to go to their host's kitchen, unless invited to join or told otherwise. Hosts usually do not want their messy kitchen to be exposed!

A French seated dinner consists of several meals, following a specific order.

French kitchens are usually smaller than North American ones, but just as well equipped.



    本文标题:用英语学法语之 法语中的厨房词汇—— French Kitche
