小如与海.创意空间XRyh.Creative space.

小如与海.创意空间XRyh.Creative space.

作者: 小如与海创意空间 | 来源:发表于2017-05-09 20:53 被阅读0次
    这个世界许多东西都是有限的,比如一块小小的画板,一间简陋的画室,一段忙里偷闲的时间。不是吗?这些都是受到限制。 There are many things in the world that are limited, such as a small drawing board, a simple studio, and a busy time. Isn't it? These are limited. 生活方式在每一个人那里变得不一样。画画的人,把无限的创意搬到了有限的画板上,将有限的时间留在无限的记忆里。 Life styles are different from everyone .People who draw, move their unlimited ideas to a limited drawing board, and put their limited time in an infinite memory. 小如与海.创意空间XRyh.Creative space. 女人喜欢花,她们养花,画花,仿佛看到她们内心的喜悦与宁静,以及对美丽的追求与向往。看她们画的花,哪一幅不是充满阳光呢 Women like flowers, they raise flowers, they draw flowers, they seem to see their inner joy and peace, and their pursuit and longing for beauty. Look at the flowers they draw, which is not full of sunshine! XRyh Creative Space . XRyh Creative Space . 每个人都有不老的浪漫情怀,不要羞于表达,你可以将浪漫画在画里,写在诗里,揉进生活里。 小如 2017.5.9 XRyh Creative Space . XRyh Creative Space . Everyone has an ageless romantic feelings, don't be shy about expressing, you can draw the romance in the picture, write in the poem, knead in the life. Melissa May 9 .2017



          本文标题:小如与海.创意空间XRyh.Creative space.
