Educated 文摘

Educated 文摘

作者: 欢喜_9acf | 来源:发表于2019-05-06 15:18 被阅读0次

    The seed of curiosity had been planted; it needed nothing more than time and boredom to grow. 

    好奇的种子已经种下, 漫长无聊的时光会滋养它 

    I glimpsed Dad as I left, his face frozen in the dark, the light from the TV leaping across his square glasses.

    电视屏幕反射的光在眼镜上跳动, 很有画面感的一句话

    But there was something in the way he fixed his gaze, never looking directly at me, that made me think a fork had come along in the road, and I’d gone one way and he the other.

    我好像也经常遭遇这种"分叉" 的目光

    Everything I had worked for, all my years of study, had been to purchase for myself this one privilege: to see and experience more truths than those given to me by my father, and to use those truths to construct my own mind. I had come to believe that the ability to evaluate many ideas, many histories, many points of view, was at the heart of what it means to self-create. If I yielded now, I would lose more than an argument. I would lose custody of my own mind. This was the price I was being asked to pay, I understood that now. what my father wanted to cast from me wasn’t a demon: it was me. 

    我这么多年所受的教育, 无非是获得更多的真相, 并在此之上形成自己的评价体系和历史观, 这是我们区别于他人的根本, 是实实在在属于自己的东西. 简而言之, 教育塑造了自我. 



        本文标题:Educated 文摘
