

作者: 小聪明李良才 | 来源:发表于2017-01-05 17:21 被阅读466次

    本文是Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained的笔记。


    1. The network is reliable.
    2. Latency is zero.
    3. Bandwidth is infinite.
    4. The network is secure.
    5. Topology doesn't change.
    6. There is one administrator.
    7. Transport cost is zero.
    8. The network is homogeneous.


    1. The network is reliable


    • retry
    • acknowledge important messages
    • identify/ignore duplicates(去重)或者幂等
    • reorder messages(对消息排序)
    • verify message integrity(验证消息完整性)

    2. Latency is zero



    Latency is how much time it takes for data to move from one place to another

    bandwidth which is how much data we can transfer during that time

    延迟比带宽更难解决,延迟会由信息的传播速度决定,而光速是恒定的,意味着延迟的low bound是固定的

    "B ut I think that it’s really interesting to see that the end-to-end bandwidth increased by 1468 times within the last 11 years while the latency (the time a single ping takes) has only been improved tenfold. If this w ouldn’t be enough, there is even a natural cap on latency. The minimum round-trip time between two points of this earth is determined by the maximum speed of information transmission: the speed of light. At roughly 300,000 kilometers per second (3.6 * 10E12 teraangstrom per fortnight), it will always take at least 30 milliseconds to send a ping from Europe to the US and back, even if the processing would be done in real time."


    Taking latency into consideration means you should strive to make as few as possible calls and assuming you have enough bandwidth (which will talk about next time) you'd want to move as much data out in each of this calls.

    3. Bandwidth is infinite


    • 随着带宽的增长,我们传输的数据也在增加;
    • 丢包问题

    One is that while the bandwidth grows, so does the amount of information we try to squeeze through it. VoIP, videos, and IPTV are some of the newer applications that take up bandwidth

    The other force at work to lower bandwidth is packet loss (along with frame size).


    4. The Network is Secure


    Security is usually a multi-layered solution that is handled on the network, infrastructure, and application levels.

    5. Topology doesn’t change

    可能这个谬论的得来是只有在实验环境中Topology 才不会变。

    "Topology doesn't change." That's right, it doesn’t--as long as it stays in the test lab.


    • 不要依赖特定的路由或节点
    • 需要同时提供位置透明性或发现服务

    Try not to depend on specific endpoints or routes, if you can't be prepared to renegotiate endpoints.

    You would want to either provide location transparency (e.g. using an ESB, multicast) or provide discovery services (e.g. a Active Directory/JNDI/LDAP).

    6. There is one administrator


    "Okay, there is more than one administrator. But why should I care?" Well, as long as everything works, maybe you don't care. You do care, however, when things go astray and there is a need to pinpoint a problem (and solve it).


    • 在系统小的时候,就提供工具来监控系统操作

    A proactive approach is to also include tools for monitoring on-going operations as well;


    To sum up, when there is more than one administrator (unless we are talking about a simple system and even that can evolve later if it is successful), you need to remember that administrators can constrain your options (administrators that sets disk quotas, limited privileges, limited ports and protocols and so on), and that you need to help them manage your applications.

    7. Transport cost is zero


    其中一个我们从从应用层到传输层的数据传递,我们需要对数据进行编码,会消耗time and resources

    One way is that going from the application level to the transport level is free. This is a fallacy since we have to do marshaling (serialize information into bits) to get data unto the wire, which takes both computer resources and adds to the latency

    第二个方式则是设置和运行网络都需要代价,我们需要很多很多money 买买买!

    The second way to interpret the statement is that the costs (as in cash money) for setting and running the network are free. This is also far from being true. There are costs--costs for buying the routers, costs for securing the network, costs for leasing the bandwidth for internet connections, and costs for operating and maintaining the network running. Someone, somewhere will have to pick the tab and pay these costs.

    8. The network is homogeneous


    It is worthwhile to pay attention to the fact the network is not homogeneous at the application level

    Do not rely on proprietary protocols--it would be harder to integrate them later





      • jany_w:你还,不理解第一点。因为网络抖动或者不稳定,业务幂等还是蛮重要的。
        小聪明李良才: @陶然然然 第一点是说网络可靠是谬论,因此我们需要考虑幂等等手段来应付网络不可靠

